Some small part of her wondered if maybe she should fake being sick or get beat up herself so Lisa might hold her again. Maybe she'd been around Jisoo for too long. She couldn't believe she was actually entertaining the ideas to scheme her way into more cuddles with Lisa.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

Lisa's voice startled her. She tried not to move, being awake meant being away from Lisa's arms. It meant getting up.

"Nini, I know you're awake."

Jennie tried not to sigh. She opened her eyes and met doe ones. Lisa's face was dangerously close, her arms still around Jennie's waist.

Jennie slightly panicked. She probably looked awful, she cried so much last night her eyes were probably red and puffy. She probably had bags under her eyes and here Lisa was a few inches from her looking like she was plucked straight from a magazine. How did she always manage to look so good, it was seven in the morning for gods sake! Fuck, did she have morning breath?

Jennie tried to stop breathing.

"Jennie, stop overthinking whatever it is your overthinking right now." Lisa said through giggles.

Jennie wanted to simultaneously laugh, roll her eyes, and swoon.

"Sometimes I hate that you can read me so well." Jennie rasped, voice still heavy from sleep.

Lisa's heart bounced at the sound, that voice was better than strawberries and melted chocolate.

Lisa had woken up an hour before and had spent the entire time tracing Jennie's features. Holding her close and whispering how beautiful she thought Jennie was. She was surprised she didn't wake Jennie up. It was almost like Jennie stopped being a light sleeper. Lisa liked to think she had something to do with the fact that Jennie slept so deeply when she held her.

She pulled Jennie closer.

Jennie gasped a little, surprised. She was sure that now that it was morning and Jennie wasn't crying anymore Lisa would pull away again. Lisa was looking at her different though. Something had changed. There was something intense that she found in those pretty doe eyes and it made Jennie nervous. Suddenly her heart started hammering in her chest. Lisa was so close.

Lisa almost smirked at seeing the look of panic in Jennie's eyes. Glad to know she still had some effect on Jennie. She decided not to rush it. She could wait for Jennie as long as it took.

Well, maybe just a tiny kiss, Lisa thought. She pulled Jennie in and kissed her lightly on the forehead before untangling herself from Jennie.

"Breakfast?" She asked with a smirk, holding her hand out to pull Jennie up.

Jennie squeaked out a "yeah," because Lisa didn't even wait, grabbing Jennie's hand and pulling her up, holding it a little longer than was probably necessary.

Jennie was reeling from the sudden affection Lisa was giving her this morning, and what was with that smirk?

If Jennie didn't know any better she would think Lisa might be flirting with her.


Okay, Lisa was definitely flirting with her.

Jennie was busying herself around the kitchen, starting breakfast as Lisa had perched herself in her spot on the counter, watching.

"I love watching you cook," Lisa said.

Jennie fought a blush because get a grip Jennie it's not like she said she loves watching you or something, she loves watching you cook. It's different. Right?

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