Chapter 7

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Scene opens to Jet and Akali playing a streat fighter like game. Akali tryharding leaning forward and bashing the buttons on her controller, while jet... He was upside down, controller in one hand and glass of whiskey in the other.

This was not a fight, it was an onesided slaughter!

Directed towards Akali that is.

"How can you bee this good at the game?!" she shouted in frustration.

"I'm not even trying." stated Jet taking a sip of his drink while upside down on the couch.
He then proceed to do a on handed combo, finishing the match.

"That like 20 to 0. Wow, Ether you are that bad, or I am that good." stated an amused Jet.

"You are just a god at this game, nothing else." hufed Akali.

"I never played this game before." stated Jet, throving the glass containing his drink into the air, turning right way up, slumped back in the couch and caught the glass, finishing with taking a sip.

"That's bullshit." Spat Akali.

"That's life for ya." stated Jet, while you could hear Evelyn say the same from her room.

"Meanie." pouted Akali.

Jet snarled.

"Just telling the truth. Anyway, where did Ahri and Ka'isa run off to?" asked Jet.

"They said that they need a new outfit for the 'Musicians Award'. I don't understand why the can't just wear what they usually do like me." she stated.

"Amen." stated Jet fist bumping her.

"Wait, what Award?" he asked.

"You are joking... Right?" asked Akali.

Jet looked at her took a sip of his drink, and stated.

"Nope." poping the p.

"Have you been living under a rock?" she asked, shocked at him for not knowing.

"More or less, was busy drinking a lot. Why?" he asked.

Akali took a deap breath and calmed down.

"It's just the award that will be awarded for the best song of the past decade. Your song are numenated, probably even your new ones." she stated.

"Hah, interesting. Think I'm invited?" Jet asked looking at Akalu.


A moment passed.

The two burs out laughing.

"Like I need an invetation." he stated.

"Jokes aside. You coming?" asked Akali.

"Who knows. Might go might not. Depends if i can chose between my black jacket and my othe ten black jackets... which one should I should wear." stated Jet.

Akali started laughing and expected Jet to join. But she was met with silence from his side.

"You are serious about havin 11 Blak jackets?" she asked.

"Its more like 20... 23, most are Jet Black, some midnight black. Got to get some veriety in." he stated.

"Anyway..." he put down his controller and stood up. "Thtanx to you I have an event to prepare... So, ima head out and plan a Litle something something." he stated smirking, grabbing his guitar.

"Should I be afraid?" she asked jokingly.

Jet did a 50/50 gesture with his hand.

"Depends if I can get those Vacauan firework. If I do, better wear something fireproof." stated Jet making his way to the elevator.

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