Chapter 1, Rising Abyss

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Tick, tack, tick tack...


Tick, tack, tick, tack...

Everthing black...

Tick, tack, tick, tack...

Why am I still here?...

Left alone in the dark...

Left with nothing but Wisket to sothe my bleaking heart...

Left... No, betrayed by those I held dear...

Pov switch to 3rd person.
We see a figure in a dark room, lying face up in a king sized bed. A bottle of whiskey in his right hand.
He wears a pair of blue and white tracksuit pants and black tank top.
His head covered by a mess of blonde hair. His face covered in a medium length beard. His eyes closed...

As he opened them in a flash, revealing what was once a pair of warm sapphire eyes, but now a liveles blue.

He didn't bother to sit up as he mowed the bottle of whiskey to his Mounth and chugged the little that was remaining of it with ease.

As you figured this is... Was Jaune Arc.

After the fiasco of Cardin being a ungratfull pig, everything went to hell. His friends treated him like skum, his family dissovned him and due to Bitchester father, he got kicked out of Beacon. That was 7 months ago.

He would have been left with nothing on the street.
That is if he did not have a lot of money and a mansion to his name, or better said Jet Blake's Name.

The name Jet Blak was know all aroun Remnant. The Black Devill with the angels voice. Dressed in all black, black hair and his eyes always covered with shades.
The singer who took the world by storm with a few songs before dissapearing after his final concerts announcement.

Noone knew where he went.

Who would have guessed that he went to Beacon to become a huntsmen... Noone.

Yes Jaune Arc was Jet Blak.

But now...

Jaune Arc is dead. Jet Black died before Beacon. And Jaune NN... He died at the bottom of a bottle a few days after the shit went down.

What is left of him you may ask...

Not much, but sadness, anger and darkness.

Spending the last 7 months drinking, trying to kill himself with whiskey was his dayly routine. Never leaving his mansion, getting shipments of whiskey vodka and other high % alc delivered there.

Just waiting for the darkness to take him.

But it just wouldn't.

Ether the Arc genes or his huge aura pool just wouldn't let that happen. He couldn't drink himself dead.

Jaune just sighted as he layed down the empty bottle on the floor and began to slowly get up from his bed.

He slowly made his way to the bathroom and stopped in front of the mirror.

He looked like shit. He hasn't showered in months. Hasn't sawed even longer. And his hair, don't get me started.

'Just what has my life become...' he thought.

'Maybe... Maybe I should go out. Maybe it's time i get my ass out of this mansion.' he thought as he looked in the mirror.

Inser a Montague of Jaune showering, cutting his nails, and cutting his hair with some scissors, so that I looked like his previous hairstyle(v1 hairstyle). He did not shave thou.

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