Chapter 2, Coffee

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Traslation from the bar back to Jaune's mansion brought to you by chibi Jaune driving a green Pontiac Firebird.

Driving his Firebird back into the garage, leaving it besides the two other Firebird. On in sunset orange and one in racing purple, he made his way into the living room.

Fliking on the light, it revealed the untouched, dusted state of the room.

'Gues like a year of not using it doest thar to a room.' Thought Jaune.

The last time he was her for longer that a few seconds while passing thrue the house was when shit went down.

He remembers that day only faintly, since he drunk himself to unconsciousness.

He did not use it ever since, only drinking himself dead in his bed. Watching TV and questioning why he is still here.

As Jaune stepped towards the dark green couch and dusted it off behore taking a seat, he noticed something on the coffee table before him.

It was his only scroll. I'm talking old as in Beacon days scroll.

'I never did ansver Coco and the rest of CVFY. Wonder if it still works.' he thought as he took the scroll and put it to charge at a nearby outlet.

Booting up the scrool, he was bombarded with missed messages and calls.

The calls were from CVFY, while the messages were a 3 to 1, most being from CVFY, whibthe ret was from Pyrrha.

'Pyr... Huh, that a problem for a nother time.' he thought to himself as he skipped from her messages to the ones from team CVFY.

They were worried about him. The amount of messages asking if he was Allright and or if he needed helt was huge to say the least.

'I sure as hell am not Allright.' he thought to himself.

Jaune took out his new scroll and put in the info of Coco.

He proceeded to send her a message.

Hey Coco, just wanted to say that I'm mostly alright. But I could use some jon backstabbing company. Message me if you guys have time. Jaune.

He sendtbthe message and not a minute later he got a response.

Omg, we all thought you died, that or you lost your scroll. You got a lot of explanation to do mister.

Jaune smirked at that.

Sure do. Got time?

He answered.

Jats and Fox are out doing some guy shenanigans. Me and Bun got time thou.

K, get down to Vale. I'll meet you at the Bullhead station.

20 min, don't be late.

Jaune pocketed his scroll and disposed of his old. He send a msg to a cleaner to come take care of the mansion while he is gone.

Jaune went straight back into the garage and went to get the keys for the same car he drowe before. The Metalic flaked racingreen Pontiac Firebird.
With that he got on his way.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Jet Playing his guitar.

Coco Pov.

Me and Vel just got off the bullhead, I'm about to tear that guy a new one. Not answering his scroll for 7 months. I can understand that he would need some space after what happened, but 7 months. There's got to be something wrong. Just what is it.

''Hey Coco, you Jaune anywhere?'' asked Velvet from besides me.

I took a look around, not seeing our blond target anywhere.

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