Chapter 4, Back From The Dead

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"Welp, ima go change Into something more comfy. Also I forgot to fetch some stuff." stated Jaune once again leaving the girls.

Jaune went to his bedroom and changed in to some random t-shirt and a pair of jogging pants. He set the outfit down on a chair for tommorow.

He walked up to his bedside table an retrieved a black leather bound diary. The damn Song book of Jet Blak.

He smirked at that and flipped open the diary. He scrolled to one of the songs he wrote during his dark times. He went over the lyrics and took a pictur of the notes for the instrumentals for the comeback.

With that done he put the diary back down on the bedside table and proceeded back to the girl's.

On the way back he noticed that it just jurned 7, getting late.

"Don't you have lessons tommorow?" asked Jaune as he arrived back at vthe couch.

"Today is Friday. And tommorow is Saturday. Did you lose your sense of time?" asked Velvet.

"I only know I've been drinking for around 7 months, cause I get special atlesian Vodka delivered once a month. I completely lost track of time and what day of the week it is." explained Jaune.

"That's kinda understandable." stated Coco.

"But yeah the last Bullhead leaves at 8. We will have to get going soon." explained Velvet.

Jaune smirked.

"I got a better idea. Why don't you stay here with me." he stated.

Both Coco and Velvet blushed, Coco significantly more.

Jaune just chukeled at that.

"Not like that. You two really got a dirty mind don't you?" he teased.

"This place got a bunch of guest rooms. You are more than welcome to stay over." he explained.

"Well, we could. We still got a lot of catching up to do after all." began Velvet, as her stomach growled drawig their attention. As if timed Jaune's stomach did the same.

"How about I order some food, I would cook but I got nothing in the fridge since..." he thought about it. "I left for Beacon." he explained.

"Any preferences?" he asked.

"I'm good with anything." stated Velvet.

"How about some good old Pizza." sudgested Coco.

Jaune just smirked at that.

"Can't beat the classics. I know a good place." he stated as he got up from the couch and dialed a number on his scroll.

It rung a moment before someone picked up.

"Hey Marcelo, it's me." said Jaune over the scroll.

"Yeah I'm good. How's the family?" he asked Marcelo.

"Good to hear. Say you still doing deliveries?" he asked.

"Great! You know my address already, get me 2 margaritas and a bomb, oh, and two boxes of you fries." he placed the order.

"Gotcha, 15minutes, better not be late." joked Jaune.

"Yeah I'll swing by once I get some time. See ya." He ended the call.

Jaune turned towards the girls who once again were staring at him.

"You seem awful familiar with this 'Marceko' guy." stated Velvet.

"Marcelo is a good, honest guy. Worked for him before my music career went off. Makes best pizza and fries around." explained Jaune joining them back on the couch.

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