chapter 7

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This chapter is a full on rollercoaster of emotions

~john pov~

i don't even know how the time passed but we drunk a shit ton and about an hour of playing i see laf getting up with a bit of trouble and going to the door and locked it.

"hey anyone bored of this game?" laf asked and got a couple of 'yeah'-s from us.

"let's play beer pong or something" he suggested and some went to set up the table and the drinks and some went to the couches.

eliza was asleep and angelica picked her up no problem, like how tf. she went to speak with laf and herc, i assume to ask if she can put her in one of their beds and then she went towards the bedrooms, coming back with no eliza.

me and alex were at one of the couches, talking and getting to know each other. he hit it off with burr very well, he is a very different guy but he s smart as fuck, they are probably gonna be best friends. wait- laf told me to take it slow with him, and the closet.. did i take it too far? and what's up with the scars on his arm? this things will drive me crazy.

"okay so, what's your favourite food?" i asked him and he took a second to think before responding

"idunno, i don't have one, i had a limited amount of money to rely on for awhile so i ate potatoes, rice and ramen but i think the pizza tonight was dope."

i nodded in response and he asked me for my favourite food. unlike him i didn't had to worry about money, my family is wealthy but homophobic and they didn't care about me all that much, those are the reason i came to this hs, away from them. i still live on their money and i do kinda feel guilty for it but a minimum wage job would not be enough to get mr trough hs. "i like salmon"

i didn't knew what to say, it was kinda awkward but i saw him look beyond me and smile to himself as he remembered something. "i remember that we used to fish and collect the fish in buckets when the sailors were out to sea and sold it for some money back in nevis. we also helped with the careening for some money. i kinda miss it but those times kinda sucked"

(careening - the bringing a ship to lie down on one side, in order to trim and caulk the other side. or at least that's what google said)

"what do you mean we? you and laf?" i asked him, laf had mentioned some things about his past, nobody knew as much as pegs and herc tho,he did mention sometimes a brother or two, or more, idk, but he never mentioned sailors and fishing, as far as i was aware he hated fishing.

"no, i was referencing my brother, i miss him and the good times we had together with the sailors. i was around 7 and a half when i started helping and since 8 i used to fall asleep with the sailors while they sung and my brother that was almost 14 at the time and used to bring me back home after i would fall asleep." he wiped his eye and continued speaking the sailors used to offer him tobacco cigarettes they made themselves and even when he refused he still smelled like tobacco because many of the sailors smoke."

"may i know what happened to your brother?" i asked him and his expression, whilst he did try to keep it straight you could see different emotions passing trough his eyes.

"oh" he suddenly yawned "i think i's kinda late, i am getting tired. i'll go to sleep, see you tomorrow" he said and squeezed my hand.

~alex pov~

i almost broke down crying but manage to not do it and went to my and john's room. as soon as i closed the door i started crying, i went on my bed and continued crying and sobbing. every time i closed my eyes, the last moments that james was alive in replayed in my head. his face full of pain and his words full of support and love. i was brought back in that place, that cursed abandoned ruin of a former house, how it looked like a normal hide-out with all the walls and part of the roof and ceiling in place in one second and the other it was a place brought from hell on earth to take everything i had left from me.

i opened my eyes, tears spilling down my face and quiet sobs filling the empty room i was in, i tried to look around but for no avail. i have absolutely nothing of my brother and mother to hold close in moments like this because of the foster sistem. i closed my eyes again only to see my mother this time, she looked like she was speaking but i couldn't quite hear her over my sobs. she was healthy and was holding my brother in a tight hug, as soon as she realized i was watching they looked over at me and opened their hands as to invite me in their hug.

i felt instantly calmer when i felt cold touches on my back and arm and one on my head, i didn't wanted to open my eyes, because i know they weren't there physically, but they are here with me. i started to calm down a bit, not chocking on my sobs as more, my breathing slowing down, but still crying. i heard a knock on the door and then laf came in.

~laf pov~

(may i say that this is my favourite character so far?)

*around 5 minutes before he went to alex's room*

i can't quite zee properly but my hazy vision haz nothing to do with ze fact zat alex is not here anymore. i'm not ze kidz broder but i knov ze kid ze best. he dozen't juzt dizapear ot of ze bleu. last i've zeen of him he vas spokin wit john zo i went up to him.

"hay john, haw are you ze my ami?" i azk (h)im in ze broken engliz

"i am good laf, but i think you played a bit too much beer pong" john anzuerd.

"nonezenz mon ami, i am ze legend at ze bEEr BonG. anywayz ver is ze litle lion?" i azked an' he luked confuzed zo i clarrified. "ham, ver iz he?"

"oh, he's in our room, he said he was tiered" zuspizios..

"vat ver you talking abaut bevor he left" i had ze my zuspizionz but if i'm rait... i fel bad for ze kid.

"i asked about what he used to do as a kid or something i don't remember, i remember him saying something about fishing." john me boy i vould kill ye but for ze nofin cuz you zidn't knov.

"okay" i respond and valked oway and john vent back down on ze couch. i opened ze door an' i vas rait, zdandin der on ze bed vas alex crying. "lexis, you okay?" i ask him and he loogz up at me, hiz eyz puffy



A little bit of a cliffhanger, still working of improving

Writing laf drunk was one of the funniest thing ever.

Constructive criticism here <3

Q&A here if y'all want

I'll see you around, reader

- Zura -

His words (Lams highschool AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن