chapter 3

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still english                    still french


~john pov~

"i- im s- sorr- sorry" i he muttered and it took me a moment to understand what he tried to say bus as soon as i did i took him up gently placed him on my lap.

"alex, what are you sorry for? you did nothing wrong." i assured him and untied his hair, using my left hand to play in a calming manner trough his hair. Until now he had rested his head in the crook of my neck but as soon as i dragged my fingers trough his hair the first time he whimpered and held his head in place. i didn't understood why and i believe now is the time to put those questions.

"alex, you wanna go to our room?" i asked him to wich he nodded in response. i picked him up bridal style, wich was surprisingly easy to do, he was a lot lighter than he looked. i placed him on his bed, his back against the wall and i sat on the bed infront of him. i took a closer look at his face and i indeed saw the scar i drew and the marks on his neck and it made the hairs on the back of my neck rise.

"here, here, it's ok. can you tell me what happened, only if you want to" i told him, scooting over to him but he shook his head no very slightly. i took a second to think of a response and my eyes fell on my sketch books and paintings. "you wanna paint with me?" i asked him and he looked up at me and nodded.

after about a half an hour we were watching the creation....the abomination before our very own eyes. it's shape resembled an elephant and the head was an elephant head but the torso was of a parrot's mimicking an elefant shape as close as it could. the hand on the right was a bear-like looking thing, still resembling somehow an elephant and the paw was of a cat. the hand on the left side of the page was a griffin hand that didn't even tried to look like the rest of the more or less elephant and it's legs started like ostrich legs but the end was an elefant led.

the colors used were also quite strange since the background was black with a few purple shadows, it's head was pink, the torso was mainly green with a few black stripes, the bear hand was a very dark brown whilst the cat paw was light grey. in rest the other parts looked as normal as they could since they were attached to the wrong body. it have me very big 'pink elephants on parade' vibes.

"what have we created" alex giggled, his face was bright again and his eyes weren't puffy anymore "hopefully he isn't alive"

i jokingly gasped "how could you say such thing infront of our child" i responded, hovering my hands over his ears.

"oh, ok then imma go buy some milk, i'll eventually see you" he jokingly said and turned around. and in the exact moment he just about grabbed the handle the door swung open, almost knocking him down.

"john the schuylers asked if we could move the gathering here tonight, me and laf wanted your opinions too" herc said. 'the gathering' was a night where we would gather as many of our friends we could, fit them all in a dorm room and just do activities together like a karaoke night or we'd play truth or dare, 7 min in heaven.. whatever we felt like doing. we usually had alcohol too so by default everyone had a mini pharmacy in their kitchens at all times and locked the front door after 9 pm. we're drunk teens, but we're responsible drunk teens. also we named it 'the gathering' so it'll sound like it was something serious, not just us all fucking around.

"it's okay with me and alexander will have to meet te others at some point anyways" i responded and herc left to go back to his room

~alex pov~

what the fuck am i getting dragged into? i must've looked completely shocked or something because john looked back at me and started to chuckle a bit and spoke up "'the gathering' is an excuse for us to gather most of our friends at one of our dorms and do dumb shit together at a sleep over and get wasted" he explained and i chuckled.

~a bit later~

i got changed in a black baggy tshirt with the sleeves down almost to the elbows. i was in my room and was freaking out, talking both in english and in french "bro i don't know. what will i do if they ask in think im going to have one of those panic attacks" it wasn't uncommon to think or talk in both languages when stressed since that's what i did anyways younger too

"mon frère, listen here. your scars are barely visible. look" he said and took my hand in his to show to me. no matter how mush he tried we both knew this was useless, we both had scars and it made us both self-conscious. he got up and hugged me close and started singing in french the song his real mother used to sing him back in france before she died. after what he told me when we live together his mom loved him so much but she was in an abusive relationship wich lead to her death and laf's years in the foster sistem.

"cher, we should get in the living room, the sisters should arive in about fifteen minutes" he spoke after he finished the first verse of the song and i nodded. i was still curious about the sisters bc they seem to be fun to be around



that was the third chapter, sorry it was shorter but the next chapter is probably gonna be longer

constructive criticism here <3

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i'll see you around, reader

- Zura -

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