chapter 2

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A/N ⬛👀

this is english this is french


~john pov~

i was left dumbfounded with the beauty of this man. his voice, his dark, long hair, the way he talks.... it's mesmerizing. it was so hard for me to concentrate on the painting of the, now second cutest thing in the world, turtle because he was so handsome my eyes just naturally drifted towards him.

he finished folding his clothes quite fast, he didn't had many clothes and they didn't seemed new, most of the people then moving to the dorms had a problem with too many clothes, i guess he picked his favourites.

"john imma be back in about an hour" he said to me as i looked quickly back to the painting, realizing that i've been staring at his back for the last minute.

"ok alexander" i said and looked towards his beautiful eyes again. god i can lose myself in those eyes even with gps.

"just call me alex lol." he responded and started walking out but he turned around "also i might need a copy of the keys" i nodded my head

"oh yeah, come, they're on the table in the kitchen, the others already have their keys" i responded as we got to the kitchen table

"whatever happened to those two" he laughed and i chuckled in response

"well since they're a couple they're either 'buisy' or on a date or smt" i responded. i've known laf and herc for a while now, since freshman year. I remember when they sat me down and came out to me and told me that they were a couple i told them that i was gay too and we started laughing and we played mario karts.

"also, here's my number, incase there's a problem or idunno" he said and took a pice of paper from nowhere and a pen he had in his pocket and wrote his number on it

he left shortly afterwards and I went back to my room to finish my turtle 🐢 but i couldn't get hamilton out of my head so i decided to place it aside temporarily and draw a sketch of him from memory.

i drew every feature about him that i could remember. I started with the basic shape of the shoulders, neck, head, hair and started detailing it. i, for some reason, decided to start with his hair. combed back and tied up in a neat ponytail, with a few rebellious strands that shaped his face better.

then i moved on to his clothes and drew his sweater he had on, unusual clothing for this time of year, its june.

i then moved to his neck, pretty straight forward but i saw a few unusual patterns but i brushed them off.

i started working on his face. his cute lips a light shade, his nose just perfect for his perfect face, his eyes looked so similar to his real eyes but the slight tint of fear could be seen only by me and did he always had that scar over his eyebrow?

i wrote my thoughts on the corner and finished it with 'tho imperfections exist his imperfections are perfect, thus his imperfections making him perfect'

i blushed at how accurate it was, i was always better at drawing people and my visual memory was always concerningly accurate, i'll have to take another look at him.

by the time i was done i heard footsteps at the front door since all the doors were left open. i put the sketch book under other sketch books and stuff and took out my phone, making it look like i was doing something. "hey, i'm back..uh- john" i heard him walking in and i tried to inspect his face and neck but he was almost strategically turned around.

"hey alex, how are you" i asked him and he responded quickly with an 'ok, you' but it wasn't quite enough of an answer for me.

i got up and went up to him from behind after he put his bag on the bed and i placed my hands on his shoulders and he flinched badly but he laughed it off and tried to act casual, i didn't bit it a second, he looked slightly up at me with a confident face but his eyes didn't reflected confidence. i'll ask him later abt it.

His words (Lams highschool AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang