Chapter 33: Warning, danger

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At that time, the only words that are ringing inside his minds are two simple words. And that is...

'Never forgive'.


On the top of the building, two hunters are tasked to keep an eye out for any vampires that could be wandering around to attack people while acting as support to their own allies.

"Hey Monoma, are you listening?" Kaminari asked, eyeing Monoma who looks like he has been spacing out for a while. Kaminari can't believe his luck. To think that he'd be pair up with Monoma of all people. For him, pairing up with Monoma is just... bad, in a way. Not only he wasn't close to him, he also couldn't really get along with Monoma.

"Yeah, I'm listening." Monoma finally replied after a long silence.

"Are you sure? You haven't been answering me for the past minute-"

Without warning, Monoma pointed his rifle at the opposite side of the building and pulls the trigger. Kaminari was stunned by the gunshot and knowing that Monoma wouldn't waste a bullet for nothing, he turns his gaze to the location where the bullet went to. As expected, there was a vampire lying in his own blood on top of the roof. It was a prefect headshot.

Kaminari has been praised for having a really good accuracy with guns. However, he lacks the will to go for a 100% kill. The most he did is to support by injuring the enemies without killing them, leaving the close combat hunters to deal the final strike. But on the other hand, Monoma shows no hesitation in killing vampires despite not having the best accuracy with guns.

No... on a second thought, saying he has bad accuracy would be incorrect. It's just that Kaminari hasn't been paying much attention to Monoma. Without realizing it, Monoma has been training and improving his skills in both close combat and guns.

"My, I never thought I'd get to see you again."

Both blonds widen their eyes in shock at that voice.

Turning around, they saw a black-haired woman behind them, dragging the corpse of another hunter effortlessly. Seeing that corpse, horrifying thought came to Kaminari's mind. What if this vampire has already taken out the other sniper groups?

Reaching for his earpiece, Kaminari tries to contact the others to check on them, hoping that they are still alive. "Hey, it's me! How's your group doing?"

"Kaminari? We're doing fine."

"What about the other teams? Are you still in contact with them?"

"Yes, they are still in position. But why are you asking that? Did something happen?"

Oh, thank God the other teams are still fine.

"No, we ran into a vampire and she has already killed a member of the sniper team. I was only trying to check if your guys are still alive or not." Kaminari replied.

"Do you need backup?"


Call it his gut feeling or something. The moment Kaminari saw this vampire, he immediately knew she was bad news. If he recalls correctly, Amajiki and Mirio's team should be nearby. If they can somehow lure this vampire over to them, they can surely be able to defeat her.

"This vampire... something about her feels familiar. Have we meet before?" Monoma thought.

"That look on your face... seems like you don't remember me? I guess that's to be expected since I do 'look' different from before." The vampire replied while wearing a disappointed expression. "I wonder if this will make you remember me?"

The night is darkest just before dawn (BakuDeku!Vampire AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu