Before the guy could question any further, the weird guy began to speak to him.

"Your a funny guy, wanna be friends? I'm deidara by the way"

"Um...k..?" The guy got up, and putted something, on naruto's side of table.

"I would want to talk to you more, but i have something to do, here, that's my number, see you later naru-chan!" And then the weird- deidara left, living a confused, naruto at the table.

'I didn't ask, but ok? And since when did he ask for my permission to call me that? What a weird, way to make a friend with somebody, it felt so cringe, like i'm in a fanfiction story or something'

A/N: ..... 😃😆😃

After that, naruto then went back to the dorm room, and took a bath, after that, he change into his pj's.

He looked at the paper, at his table then remembered the we- deidara 'should i text him?-' before naruto could think, his phone dinged.


He then grabbed his phone, and looked at the notification, to see an uknown number texting him.


Uh..whose this?

Did you already forgot, about me? How mean naruto-chan! ( T∀T)

Naruto thought, about it for a while and finally figured out who was texting him.

Are you-

Before naruto could even type 2 phrases, the guy, immediately sent another message.

Yes, i'm deidara, the one who you met earlier (*>∇<)ノ

'How did he even, know i was-'

It was pretty obvious hunny ( ・∋・)

'Is he watching me-'

No i didn't (  ̄- ̄)




Wait no-

Naruto is now offline

Naruto flopped down to his bed, before falling asleep, and into the dreamland.

The next morning

Naruto got ready, because, his snacks, are now gone, probably, bdcause of the boys taking his snacks, that he told them not to.

He sighed, and went into the supermarket, next to the department, on his way there, you never guess who he met.

The weird guy, or deidara, whoever you prefer, calling him, they 'coincidentally', met infront of the markets, entrance.

"Oh, hi naruto-chan! Funny seeing you here!" The weird one said, smiling, while naruto only bowed, and entered the market.

"..! Oi! Don't ignore me!" The guy said, as he ran, to catch up with naruto.

"...." naruto ignored him, and went to the junk food aisle.

"Hey! Hey!" The man tried to call naruto, but he just ignores him.

"Quiet down well ya?!" The owner, said to the boy "sorry! Naruto! Hey wait up!" Deidara said before whispering now.

Naruto ignored the man once again, and grabbed some, sweets, spicy, salty, and sour chips, chocolates, gummy, and etc.

Before he pays for his snacks, and putted in the cashier, after that he then went outside the store.

"Naruto-chan, naruto-chan, naruto-chan, naruto, naru-"

"What?!" Naruto snaps, the two went quiet for a bit, "naruto-chan, i just wanted to let you know...that i just wanted to be friends....." deidara said, as he slowly walk away from naruto.

Naruto felt really guilty, and he didn't want his nightmare, to actually became true, "i-..i'm sorry..." naruto mumbled, but it was enough for the boy to hear, the boy then decided to tease him a bit.

"What was that?"

"I- i said i'm sorry, ok?! If you don't want to take my apology, then..forget it!" Naruto said, as he stump, his feet, walking away from the taller boy.

"Wait! I, was just only teasing!" The man said, as he jogged to catch up to the boy.


"Hey, what are you laughing for?!" The long blonde asked the short blonde.

"Nothing, nothing!" Naruto laughed out, as the other one, pouted.

To be continued.
1,162 words.

That's it for todays, chapter guys! I hope you enjoyed it! Sayonara!

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