Part 2

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Mack rolled over onto her back. The light coming through the curtains woke her up. Stretching her arm it touched something. Solid. Juliana was curled up next to her. Smiling to herself she moved gently and lay there just watching her sleep. She'd shared a room with the blonde for seven years since college then Uni. She knew the sound of her sleeping but had never really watched her before. At 25 she had grown into a gorgeous young woman.

Mackenzie leaned on her elbow taking her all in. She could see the faint scar on her forehead from her car accident. She laughed at the brown roots coming through in her blonde hair. Those brown roots were what made Juliana different. She was intelligent, smart, funny and such a dork when no one was watching. That was Julz. There was no one like her.

Her eye traveled over the bumps in the blanket. She hadn't cared that they had to play a couple. They had been around each other for so long that there wasn't anything they didn't already know about each other. They were comfortable with each other. Except...

"What are you looking at?" Juliana was staring back at her.

"Ummm," Mackenzie threw her arm in the air. "I was checking out my hot girlfriend." She shrugged.

Juliana frowned pushing her shoulder. "Don't you start getting any funny ideas, Mack?" Mackenzie laughed watching Julz move away from her.

"Hey, as your girlfriend I can do what I like to you."

"You're not my girlfriend." Juliana had just put her feet on the ground when Mack pulled her back onto the bed.

"What did you say?"

"I said...ahh!" She screamed as Mackenzie's fingers dug into her neck ticking her.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you. I'm your what?" They wrestled on the bed until Mackenzie managed to straddle her holding her hands. "Now!" She laughed. "Miss Williams." She adjusted herself. "What am I?" Juliana tried to free her hands laughing. "Get it wrong and I'll tickle you." Julz laughed out louder. She'd never really had a play fight before. She didn't know how this was going to end. "Mack you're not...ahh!"



"Say it!"

"Mackenzie you're a pain in my arse!" Juliana laughed. "No!" She screamed as Mackenzie's fingers attacked her sides. Mack giggled, her face starting to hurt from grinning too much.

"You know I can do this all day!" She let Juliana catch her breath. This was the most fun they had had with each other. She looked down at her lying there.

It wasn't right.

"You had enough?" She asked sincerely. Juliana searched her eyes looking back at her. They hadn't been like this before.

"Yeah," She nodded. Mack smiled shyly and climbed off her. Julz reached over pushing her causing her to fall off the bed onto the floor.

All Mack could hear was the roar of Juliana's belly laugh.

She sat up and looked at her.

Juliana looked back at her, tears of laughter running down her face. Mackenzie stood up, her face serious.

Juliana looked up at her trying to calm down. "Sorry, seriously I couldn't help it." She giggled. Mackenzie leaned forward and raised her finger.

"I'll get you. Just you wait."

Juliana saw the corners of her mouth curl. "Oh, baby, don't be like that."

"Don't you baby me, lady?" Mackenzie grabbed her complimentary dressing gown. "I'm going to order breakfast. What do you want?" Julz rolled over onto her stomach watching Mack in the doorway.

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