Mackenzie didn't even look up. Juliana walked over to her bed and sat down taking her heels off. "So you have any plans this weekend?"


Juliana sat back watching her roommate reading her bike mag. "I was thinking..."

"Oh, great here we go." Mackenzie flipped a page.

Juliana got up. "I'm going to Los Angeles this weekend and I know you've been working like crazy..."

"You mean I actually finally get rid of you?"

"Do you wanna come?"

"With you?"


"To LA?"

"You can say no."

"Ok no."

"Mack!" Juliana sat down on the corner of her bed. Mackenzie held her eyes sighing. "Alright what are you doing in LA?"

"Attending a Country Club get-together for Dad." Mackenzie flicked over another page. "Oh come on Mackenzie! I know how hard you've been working. Four days away in Los Angeles, just come with me."

Mackenzie looked down at her mag flicking the page. She really could do with a break. She didn't really mind if it was hanging out with Juliana. Her eyes fell on the page. "If I come with you to LA to your Country Club thing..."


She turned the page to show Juliana. "I wanna go to the bike show on Saturday."

Juliana looked at the page. "So you're going to come with me?"

Mackenzie pointed. Juliana shrugged ok.

"Alright." Mackenzie smiled. "Then ok I'll come to LA with you."


"Holy crap!"

"I know right!" Mackenzie climbed out of the limo behind Juliana onto the steps of the large White Country Club building.

"This place is amazing!"

"It's massive."

The valet met them at the door opening it for them.

"Welcome Miss Williams."

"Thank you."

"Howzat!" Mackenzie smiled nervously. The young valet laughed.


Juliana made her way up to the reception desk. "Hello. Juliana Williams and guest." The gentleman behind the desk checked for her name.

"Ah, Miss Williams. I see you are here instead of your father?"

She glimpsed over at Mackenzie sitting on the lounge couch. "I am indeed." He glimpsed over at Mackenzie.

"I take it ma'am is your partner?"

Juliana knitted her brow. "My partner?"

"Yes, Mr. Williams stated you would be bringing your partner with you."

"Oh," Juliana looked over at Mackenzie again.

"So we are booking you in for the couple's discounts I take it."

"Sorry since my father was originally coming he hasn't really informed me of what was planned for this weekend."

"Hmm," He sighed annoyingly as he reached under his desk for a pamphlet sliding over the swipe card. "Miss Williams, you will be staying in room 103." He waved over a valet. "Pierre will show you and your 'Partner' to your room."

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