Chapter 26

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"I really think we should tell him" Malia says as she sits down on my bed in the dorm. I put my bag down and shake my head at her. She sighs, ever since we've been back from the Weasleys she's been trying to convince me to tell Blaise the truth. I trust Blaise but this is too important and the more people that know the more danger they are in. It's not safe. I see Draco walk through the door with a sad face. I look up at him and instantly know, Malia looks confused then it registers. They've called me for the last trial. Snape appears behind Draco and I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Let me just get changed, I'll meet you guys downstairs" I say and grab some clothes turning away as they leave the room. I know Draco is still there but he doesn't know what to say. I know this trial is to break me and him but I don't know how yet.

"You have to do it" He whispers and I turn to him as I slide on a plain black long sleeved dress. "We all know this trial is about me..."

"Dray..." I start but he shakes his head and I stop.

"Whatever it is, do it please. I'll be okay" He says with a small smile. I feel my eyes brim with tears.

"What if I can't?" I ask and he walks forward grabbing both of my hands. His eyes meeting mine and his hand squeezing mine.

"If you don't then this would have all been for nothing. We have to make this work because if we don't we won't have a future that we want" He pleads. I nod slowly letting one tear fall as he wipes it away. "Just know I'll love you no matter what it is" He hands me my wand and we go downstairs in silence. Blaise has now joined Malia and Severus. They offer us a small smile and Severus apparates us to Malfoy Manor. Narcissa and Lucius are the first two people I spot, both looking rather worse for wear. I turn my head and see my mother there as well next to Narcissa, she offers me a small smile but I look away. My eyes coming to land on Bellatrix who is next to Yaxley and Dolohov.

"Welcome back, Miss Riddle. As I'm sure you're aware it is time for your last trial" Yaxley says and I nod slowly. "Miss Blake, step forward" He looks at Malia and my heart sinks. No not her, anyone but her.

"Sir" She says stepping away from my side. She looks terrified but plays it off well.

"Please follow Mrs Avery and Ameycus for your trial" Dolohov says and I shoot a glare at my mother. They walk out of the room and I feel myself sweat as the door closes behind them. I hope she's going to be okay. "Bellatrix" My eyes go to her as she smirks and walks over to Draco. I feel him let go of my hand and I almost throw up. She holds his shoulders as I turn to him.

"There's a point where love is just weakness, let's see if he's yours" She snarls with a smirk.

"This is the last test, if you want to pass. You know exactly what spell to use" Yaxley says and my head snaps to him. For a minute I can see the glint in there eyes...surely not. They wouldn't want me to actually kill him would they? My stomach does flips.

"What spell would that be?" I ask keeping my face stern.

"The torture curse" Bellatrix says and I instantly shake my head.

"This isn't a test! This is you trying to control me!" I shout angrily. I can't do it. I can't look the man I love in the eye and curse him.

"You should be prepared to do anything for this cause" Lucius pipes in and I widen my eyes at him and Narcissa bites her lip she looks like she might cry.

"He's part of this cause too" I snap back. Yaxely smirks.

"Of course you could always forfeit but that would lead to your death" He says and looks over to Bellatrix. I look at Draco and see him pleading with me to just do the spell. I take a deep breath and hold out my wand. Tears brimming my eyes. Bellatrix laughs and steps away from Draco quickly with a smirk towards the others. I close my eyes to remember what Draco said. My eyes open and I look at him as I will myself to say the words.

"Cruicio" I whisper painfully. The spell shoots out of my wand and hits him in the stomach. He groans slightly and falls to the floor with his face in pain. I drop my wand and go to run to him before Bellatrix grabs me and digs her nails into my arms. I shake my head pleading with Severus or Narcissa to go to him but they stay frozen as Draco tries not to scream. This is killing me inside.

"Just one more thing..." Bellatrix says placing a knife into my hand. I shake my head letting a single tear fall.

"No! I won't kill him" I protest as she leans over my shoulder.

"Then fail..." She whispers.

"Y/n..." Draco croaks out. I meet his teary eyes and drop to my knees in front of him with the knife in my hand. "I love you" he says it so quietly I don't think anyone heard. I know I have to do this. For our future. I grab the small knife and plunge it into his stomach, he gasps and falls into my arms as I sob into his shoulder holding onto the wound so he doesn't bleed out.

"Draco...please say something!" I beg him as his head falls onto my shoulder. He is really still but I can still feel his faint breaths.

"Vulnera Sanetar" Severus says from behind Draco. He gasps and shoots up slightly. His eyes instantly found mine.

"Thank god" I say, pulling his lips towards mine. He kisses me hard and I almost feel a sigh of relief that he doesn't hate me. "I'm so sorry"

"Shhh" He says clearly still in some pain. I help him up and don't even look at the others.

"Congratulations, Lord Voldemort shall be pleased you passed and congratulations to you Draco, you passed as well" Yaxely says and I look up sharply. No. This was his trial. I was his trial and he was mine.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I shout. They look a little shocked at my outburst.

"Y/n..." Snape says going to grab my arm I push him off and walk forward angrily towards the two led.

"You can hurt me all you like! Torture me to make me prove myself! But I will kill you if you even touch a hair on his head. And I will do it without blinking or without a second thought! Love doesn't make you weak it means that you have someone to fight for, it gives you the power to fight even when every inch of you wants to give up! So I mean it if any of you try to get to him you have to go through me!" I shout. The room goes deadly silent, all of them with shocked expressions until the door opens. My heart stops as he walks in.

"And there she is...My Daughter. My most perfect creation" He says. I don't move, not showing an inch of fear for the man as he stops in front of me. "I am so proud of you. Finally showing your true nature" He brushes a strand of hair from my face and I just continue to stare at him.

"This isn't even half of what I'm capable of" I say. He smirks and I turn around, taking Draco's hand and pulling him towards the door.

"We shall see you for the ceremony sweetheart" He says as the door closes. I blink as Draco and I find ourselves back in the dorm.

"I'll go get you something to eat" I say as I start to walk away unable to look at the pain I've caused him.

"I'm not hungry" He says and turns my head towards him. His eyes are almost black with how dilated his pupils are. I go to say something before my back hits the wall his hand coming around my throat as he gently presses against me. "That was so sexy" His lips plunge against mine and I gasp feeling his other hand grasping my hip. I kiss back intensely as I pull on the bottom of his T-shirt. He rips it off only breaking the kiss for a second before slamming his lips back against mine and I feel my shirt ripped in half as he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him.

"Draco..." I moan as my back hits the bed and he leaves me. Standing up to pull off the rest of my clothes. I watch him hungrily as he takes the rest of his clothes off and discards them in a pile with mine. He straddles my waist and puts a hand on my cheek.

"I love you. I'm never going to stop loving you. I will protect you with everything that I am and I won't let them win" He says his eyes never once leaving mine. His voice never once wavering.

"I love you" Is all I can say before spinning him around and climbing on top of him. This is only the beginning and I know now that I can do anything with him by my side. This is how it was always meant to be.

His Queen, Her King (Draco x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin