Part 1

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I am Y/N Snape. Yes Snape. My father is Professor Severus Snape. Let me bring you up to speed. I never knew my mother, she died when I was little, Dad doesn't talk about her much but I've seen pictures. He says I look like her. My father raised me to be a strong willed and proud witch. By the time I was eleven I had basically excelled in potions. By the time I had been sent my hogwarts letter I had read about most spells, including defensive ones. I was immediately housed in Slytherin. My father always brought me up to exceed his expectations. If I did then I would get his approval, that meant everything to me. He doesn't always show his affection towards me because he doesn't know how I guess. People say I'm the opposite of my father. When Dad would be working I would stay with the Malfoy's his close friends. They accepted me with open arms, one because I am a pure blood with two Slytherin parents and two because my mother and Mrs Malfoy were best friends. Much like me and their son. Draco Malfoy. Where to get started with Draco Malfoy. He's my best friend or so I like to tell myself. I guess I have a slight crush on him but I'd never act on it, we are now in our third year. The past few years have been strange but when Harry Potter is in your year then things are definitely going to be weird. I mean he is the chosen one. I mostly avoid the golden trio but Draco likes to prod Harry and the other two whenever he can.

"Y/N! You need to leave!" Dad shouts up the stairs. I shut my suitcase and pick it up.

"Let me help you Miss Y/N" Bipley says, holding her hands out. I smile at her and let her take the trunk. She helps us around the house. She's been there since I was born and it's quite comforting to have a friendly face. I walk down the stairs in a black jumper and a green plaid skirt with some sneakers. My hair curled and my fringe pinned back. Over the summer I have changed considerably, puberty has kicked in and given me some nice curves as well as making my hair longer. I smile in the mirror and then walk into the front room where Dad is reading a newspaper.

"Shouldn't you have left?" I ask. He puts the paper down and gives me a small smile.

"I'll be leaving soon, I just had to make sure you were ready to go" He says. I smile and Bipley hands me my coat and bag. I smile at her happily.

"Thank you Bipley, I'll see you soon" I say. She nods and goes back to her chores. I turn back to my father as he straightens his clock. He hands me my money for the term and gives me a quick stiff hug. "See you later dad"

"Be good, no detentions and don't get caught up in Malfoy trouble" He says. I nod and pick up my owl cage. There is a knock on the door and a man is standing in front of a muggle car. He packs my things to my fathers instructions and I get in the back. We drive to the station and then he loads my things onto a trolley. I thank him and then go towards the platform. I grab my ticket out of my purse before running through the wall quickly. The train comes into view and I smile widely. Finally I get to go back to my friends.

"Y/N!" Malia shouts. I look up to see her stood with Blaise. I run over and hug her. Blaise smiles and hugs me.

"I've missed you guys" I say. Blaise rolls his eyes at me playfully.

"You saw us a few weeks ago" He grumbles. I shake my head and push him.

"Well you don't have a super strict father that basically made me live and breathe books" I say. I shudder at the thought.

"No hug for your best friend?" A teasing voice says. I look up and almost faint as my heart beats faster. He is taller, his hair isn't gelled back, it's floppy and even blonder. His black suit is tighter. I bite my lip as he smirks at me then I shake my head and hug him quickly. "You appear to have gotten shorter," I glare at him.

"Or maybe you've just used a spell to make yourself taller" I joke. He shakes his head and laughs. The whistle blows and we all make our way onto the train. Draco pulls me to the Slytherin section and takes my bag. We sit down in a carriage with Blaise and Malia. Malia gives me a small smirk as Draco pulls me to sit next to him. I just roll my eyes at her. The train starts and Blaise starts up a conversation with Draco.

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