Part 6

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"Y/n? Are you coming with us?" Malia asks from the door. I look up at her confused.

"Coming where?" I ask looking up from my work. She sits on my bed.

"To the match? I thought we were all going" She says. I give her a strained smile.

"I'm really busy with work but have fun" I say convincingly. She nods and leaves the room quietly. I know she knows something is wrong but she knows not to push me. The lightning flashes again and I look out the window. I go back to my work and the afternoon flies by. I hear laughs as people walk past my room. The door opens suddenly revealing Pansy with Draco.

"Oops sorry I forgot you practically live in this room" She says and goes to close the door. "Come on Draco we can go to your dorm"

"No, don't worry. I was just leaving" I say and grab my jumper and bag. I go to leave the room but Draco grabs my arm.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I push his hand off and force a smile.

"Have fun" I say and then leave. He doesn't try to stop me. I walk to the astronomy tower and lean against the wall away from the rain. "I really wish you were here mom" I hug my knees and then finish off my paper. Once I'm finished I pack all my things up and take them back to my dorm. I stop before I open the door and I don't hear any voices. When I open it, Pansy is asleep. I wonder where Malia is. After not tossing and turning for a while I decide to go down to the common room. I stop when I see Draco sitting on the couch. "Sorry I didn't realise anyone would be down here"

"Y/N! Why are you avoiding me?" He asks. I shrug as he jumps up and grabs my arm making me turn to him.

"Draco let go, you're hurting me" I say. His grip loosens.

"Please look at me," He says. I look up slowly and meet his grey eyes. "Talk to me" I open my mouth but nothing comes out. He makes me sit on the couch with him.

"If I tell you, then you're never going to look at me the same again" I whisper. I feel my eyes brim with tears. He shakes his head and I take a deep breath. "I don't just see you as a friend"

"What do you mean?" He says. My eyes flicker up to him again. My hands start shaking.

"Because I'm falling in love with you" I admit and look away from him. I let my tears fall and wait for him to laugh or mock me. "I'm sorry, I've got to go" I get up and run to my dorm room with footsteps trailing behind me. I close the door quickly and lean against it. What did I just do? I look up to see Malia looking at me with concern. She comes and kneels in front of me.

"You told him didn't you?" She asks. I nod slowly and she pulls me in for a hug. I cry into her shoulder as she rubs circles on my arm. The next week flies by and I avoid Draco at all costs. I don't want to see him. I can't yet. He's probably told everyone about my stupid obsession with him. Malia, Blaise and I are on our way to Hogsmead. The three broomsticks are closed for under 18s today so we go to Honeydukes and Zonko's joke shop. It's probably the only day I've felt like myself. The three of us laugh and joke.

"I'll catch up with you guys, I'm going to find Goyle," Blaise says. I nod and smile at him. I look down and see footsteps being made in the snow.

"Go with him Mal, I think I'm gonna walk about for a bit" I say. She nods and hugs me quickly. She runs after him and I follow the footsteps. I see Hermione and Ron behind me and I speed up. I reach a clearing and hear someone sobbing.

"Hello?" I call out and the footsteps stop at a rock. I kneel down on the floor next to it and reach my hand out. I feel something soft and stiffen as I pull on it. A cloak appears and reveals Harry. "Harry?" I see him crying and he looks up at me.

"Y/n? How did you..." He says. I give him a soft smile. He shakes his head.

"I saw the footsteps, if you're going to use an invisibility cloak you should be more careful. Now what's up?" I ask. He looks at me quizzically and then sighs.

"Sirius Black" He says. I feel bad for him and give him a sad smile. "He was their friend and he betrayed them" I hear footsteps behind me as Hermione and Ron appear. "He was their friend! I hope he finds me cause when he does I'm going to kill him!"

"I know you're hurting but do you really think that's wise?" I say. Hermione and Ron share a look. "You need to calm down and then make a decision. But you have people to talk to, confide in them" He looks at Ron and Hermione who shoot me small smiles. They are clearly confused why a Slytherin is comforting Harry Potter.

"Thank you," He says as I give him a quick hug. It seems I have more in common with Harry Potter than I thought.

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