Part 4

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I finish doing my makeup in the mirror and then throw on some black jeans with a white sweater which sits on my shoulders nicely. I put on my black boots and then walk downstairs. Draco is the only one sitting there ready. His arm healed up nicely and he's reading a book.

"Hey, where are the others?" I ask picking my bag up and putting it on my shoulder. He smiles up at me and throws me his scarf.

"Told them to go ahead and we would meet them at the Three Broomsticks" He says and I smile. I wrap his scarf around me and he gets up. We both walk to the carriages and hand McGonagall our permission slips. We both jump in a carriage with two other ravenclaws. They roll their eyes at us and start whispering till I glare at them. Draco notices the exchange and just chuckles at me. The carriage ride is short and Draco helps me out when we stop. "This way"

"But I thought we were going to the three broomsticks?" I say as I turn towards it. He smirks and shakes his head.

"You're coming with me first" He says and takes my hand pulling me towards some shops. I roll my eyes but follow him. He pulls me into Honeydukes and I smile widely at all of the candy. I grab a basket and pick up a few things, mainly chocolate frogs and some jelly beans. Draco meets up with me at the end and shakes his head at my basket.

"What? I get cravings, would you rather me be grumpy?" I joke. His eyes widen and he shakes his head.

"God help us all of you don't get your chocolate" He says. I elbow him gently and pay for my things as does he. We leave the shop and he pulls me to a jewellery store. I roll my eyes as he looks at a ring in the window. A necklace catches my eye, it has a green emerald in the Center and it's shaped like a droplet. Then has a snake wrapped around the point. "I'm going to get this ring, anything caught your eye?"

"No I'm good, I'll wait here" I say leaning against the wall. He smiles and goes inside. He comes out with a small bag a few moments later and then takes my hand. "Can we go get a butterbeer now?"

"Yes come on then" He laughs at me. We walk to the three broomsticks and the others are already in a booth. I wave to them and they move up to give us space.

"Where have you two been?" Malia smirks accusingly. I slide in next to her.

"I had to stock up on chocolate obviously" I say. They laugh at me as Draco brings me over a cup. I thank him as Crabbe tells us about Blaise's failed attempt to hit on the waitress.

"It wasn't a failure she just told me I looked too young" He says and glares at Crabbe. Malia rolls her eyes.

"Absolutely, I'm sure it was just that" I say with a smirk. Blaise looks at me.

"Go on then, I'd like to see you do better," He says. I laugh at him.

"Okay name anyone and I bet I can do better than you" I say. I feel Draco tense beside me but shrug it off as Blaise looks around. Then turns back to me with a smile.

"George Weasley" He says and smirks wider. I look over to the twins with a few of their friends.

"Fine" I say and then stand up. I straighten my scarf and then put my hair over my shoulder. Draco let's me out of the booth and slumps back annoyed. I walk over to him and they look up. "Hey George"

"Hi? It's Y/N right?" He says smiling at Fred and then looking at me.

"I just came to ask you about that prank you pulled on my dad. He wouldn't stop complaining for weeks. Maybe you could give me some tips" I say smirking at him. He looks taken aback but then smiles.

"Absolutely" He says and then goes on to explain about getting sweets confiscated in his lessons. They happened to be puking pastels. Of course my dad being stupid enough had some. I laugh as he recounts how much he threw up.

His Queen, Her King (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now