Chapter 23

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"Welcome Loyal Members! We are pleased to welcome you here today! Tonight we shall see Y/N Riddle complete her second task. But first we have a very special guest..." Yaxley announces. I feel my blood run cold and I hear the door open. I turn from my place in front of the crowd and they all turn towards the door. I almost choke on the air in my lungs.

"Mom?" I whisper. She carries on walking towards me as the crowd disperses. She stops in front of me and my heart stops. "What's this? Make me weak with a knockoff of my mum then torture me?"

"Y/N believe me I'm really here" She says. I shake my head and glare at her.

"You're dead!" I shout angrily. I cross my arms and turn to the others. Lucius steps forward with a guilty look and I see Narcissa with tears in her eyes.

"Y/n...I'm sorry. It was orders" Lucius says. I shake my head and bite down on my tongue before my eyes flicker back to her.

"I don't care if you're here. You're dead to me" I say coldly. She looks heartbroken as I speak those words before I turn back to Yaxley. "Let's get this over with" They look slightly shocked but nod. I see Draco out of the corner of my eye. Then nod to Narcissa, she smiles at me and takes his arm. He looks at her confused.

"Mum what are you doing?" He asks and she looks at me. I smile sadly at him as she takes him from the room with a few other death eaters. Lucius pulls my mother away from me. I see Draco struggling against his mother and his eyes meet mine. I knew that it wasn't fair to make him watch this so I spoke with his parents. Ameycus pulls up a chair in the Center of the room and Yaxley pushes me down onto it. I wince slightly as the door closes fully and Draco disappears. Lucius holds back my mother and I lock eyes with Severus. He smiles at me encouragingly and I take a breath as Yaxley and Ameycus pull their wands out. I squeeze my hands together.

"Crucio!" Ameycus says smirking. I wince and fight against the pain that erupts all over my body. As if I'm burning alive. They continue this for about half an hour until the door opens. I look up to see about 6 people walk in led by a tall woman with dark curly hair.

"Ah Bellatrix!" Dolohov greets as Snape looks worried. She smirks as her eyes land on me in the chair.

"If you want to torture someone you have to get your hands dirty" She sneers. She pulls out a knife and walks over to me slowly. "Nice to meet you dear. Now let's see if you're worth my time" She grabs my throat and pushes me to the floor. I gasp at the sudden contact of my back against the hard floor. She crawls on top of me and runs the blade up and down my neck. I try to fight against my instinct to fight against her. Suddenly she presses the blade into my arm hard. I whimper slightly as she carves something into my arm. She makes multiple cuts along my stomach and one on my face but I keep my composure until she climbs off. I feel the blood seeping down my body and my eyes are brimmed with tears.

"Good to have you back Bellatrix" Ameycus smirks. I sit myself up slowly not even looking at my wounds.

"Congratulations, you passed Trial 2. The last shall commence after Christmas. Then if you pass you will be awarded with your mark, if you fail..." Dolohov says, I nod my head slowly and begin to walk out of the room.

"Y/n! Y/n!" My mother shouts after me. The door closes behind me and I carry on walking straight out of the gates of the house. I take out my wand and flick it apparating back into mine and Dracos dorm. I fall on the floor as hot tears cloud my vision. I finally let them fall as I scream in pain. I distantly hear footsteps as the door swings open.

"Oh my god!" I feel two arms around me as someone else takes my hand. I sob into someone's jumper as i shake. I must pass out as I open my eyes again and I'm laid on my bed. I sit up slowly,

"Hey take it easy. You've been through a lot" A soft voice whispers. I look to see Malia giving me a worried smile. Fred is behind her giving me his crooked grin.

"You've looked worse trust me" He jokes and I smile at him. They both help me sit up as I glance down at my bandages.

"Thought we should wait for Snape or Draco to heal them" She says with a smile. Then I realise.

"Wait...Fred why are you in the Slytherin common room?" I question and he scratches his head looking at Malia.

"I was worried about you and couldn't study so Fred offered to help me take my mind off it" She says quickly. I nod slowly as I begin to feel the pain coming back. I wince slightly as i move. "Take it easy Y/N/N, they're really deep"

"Others are deeper" I whisper thinking back to my mother.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks and I shake my head as someone pounds on the door.

"Malia let me in!" Draco shouts. I look at her with pleading eyes. He can't see me like this, it would break him. She looks at Fred.

"I'll talk to him," He says. Malia looks confused but nods anyway.

"We should get you cleaned up," She says. I nod slowly as he leaves the room to talk to Draco. She helps me into the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet seat as she turns the shower on and grabs a flannel. She looks at me sympathetically and I nod, slowly lifting my shirt up. I wince slightly as all of my wounds are exposed. I look up at myself in the mirror and trace them carefully before my eye catches the words. I trace them. "They don't mean anything"

"How can I not read them?" I whisper. Worthless. Weak. I repeat them over in my head. The door suddenly bursts open and I turn to see Draco looking exhausted and shocked. Malia jumps and gives me a towel wrapping it around me.

"Draco you need to go" She tries and he shakes his head.

"Let him stay" I say weakly. She nods slowly and lets him in. She leaves with Fred and I avoid looking at Draco. I feel his cold hand pull the towel and I let it fall. I hear his sharp intake of breath. I let a few tears fall as some blood drips onto the floor. Draco puts his hand on my chin and lifts my eyes to look at him. I close my eyes and he takes my hands.

"Look at me..." He whispers. I open my eyes slowly to meet his grey blue ones. They are filled with tears as he takes in my bruises and cuts.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, finally breaking down. I fall and he manages to catch me as I sob into his chest. I choke on my tears as I cling onto his suit.

"Let it out baby, let it out" He whispers, kissing my forehead. We sit on the floor for what feels like hours till I stop crying. Draco is rubbing circles on my back. He pulls away slowly and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Don't ever shut me out again" I nod slowly and he wipes my eyes and helps me sit up properly. "Shower, I'll go get a healing potion" He leaves the room and I take off the rest of my clothes. As the water hits my wounds I hiss. I finish cleaning up and change into a bathrobe before going into the other room. Draco is sitting on the edge of the bed. He holds out a vial. I take it gently as he stares into space. I quickly drink it.

"Dray...please" I say. He sighs and turns to me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that my dad knew and he didn't tell you. I'm sorry that I can't get you out of this life. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you and I am so so sorry that I failed you" He whispers. I shake my head and sink down on my knees in front of him.

"No no! Dont you dare blame this on you! We were both given a short straw at life Dray. But we found each other and you have done everything to help me" I say with fire in my eyes. He goes to protest but I put my hands on his cheeks. "It isn't your fault. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me" He leans forward and kisses me gently.

"Are you going to talk to her?" He asks. I shake my head.

"She abandoned me. As far as I'm concerned she's not my mother" I say. He goes to speak but I put my finger on his lips. "I don't want to relive this night...please" He nods and pulls me up next to him on the bed. He rubs small circles on my hand as I snuggle into the covers.

"I love you" He whispers as I start to fall asleep.

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