Chapter 1 - Demon beast

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Taking in a lungful of air, she felt her heart pounding in her chest. Staring back, she checked to make sure the demon beast wasn't following her. Much to her dismay, she heard the loud howling of the beast in the distance, undoubtedly still hot on her trail.

Holding her breath once again, she scurried through the woods, the monster in pursuit.


Kirby had settled nearby Kabu, seeking refuge by the wise oracle's side. It wasn't often that he payed it a visit, as he saw no reason to be anywhere near Kabu aside from the Warp Star. Even so, he didn't grasp the concept of it, seeing it as only a large statue his mentor took interest in, claiming it had undeniably gripping knowledge of everything in their expansive universe.

A low fire roared before him, sending a train of smoke up into the sky. No matter what time of day he went, that fire was always burning, whether it be a low flame or a towering one, engulfing a massive pile of wood.

Either way, he wasn't focused on it. The sole thing his mind had focused on was a slice of mouth watering, refreshing watermelon. The farmers had grown accustomed to their crops being guzzled thoughtlessly by Kirby, but realised that it was a very little price to pay for their protection. They just learned to adjust, working around it so they could grow as many as they needed.

As he sat there, laid against the broad trunk of an elder oak, he daydreamed of frolicking through dandelion-coated fields, tasty picnics and bright sunlight.

Dedede's half-hearted actions led to him having next to no free time, and what little he did have was spent training for the next invasion. When he was doing neither training nor battling, he was either eating, playing or sleeping, his favourite activities.

Though his roommate was a bit of a pain in the neck, he enjoyed his house that his friend Fumu had generously made for him. It wasn't all too much to look at, no more than a quaint little grey dome, but it was unbelievably comfortable.

As he began to doze off, he heard hasty footsteps from nearby, accompanied by light but fearful breathing. Whoever it was clearly needed help.

Waking from his light nap, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He was greeted by the low flame and a human, who sat shaking besides it.

From what he saw, he assumed she had been playing a very wild game of hide and seek, even deeper within Whispy Woods. It hadn't occurred to him that a vile beast was chasing her, or even the fact that she could be in danger.

Lifting himself off the ground, he waddled over to her, offering her his hand.

She gazed down at him, eyes filled with fear. The moment their eyes locked onto each other, they both froze.

Kirby had never seen such fear in someone's eyes before. He could practically sense the horror that she had, and he pitied her.

(Y/n) wasn't sure whether he was somebody to be trusted. She couldn't tell if he was even sentient, or if he would kill her without a further thought.

Withdrawing his hand slowly, his gaze fixed onto the mud below his feet. He had no idea how to help her, since it wasn't a monster that was terrorising her. She just seemed so lost and alone, deprived of conversation and interactions.

At the sound of a twig snapping, she flinched. Her fight or flight senses had kicked in, and she had become cautious of her surroundings.

Kirby believed it to be a game, and she was an incredible actor. A bubbly smile formed on his face, and he started cheering for her, unaware of what she was even doing.

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