"No," both David and I say in sequence. RINGGGGGGG "welp lunch is over I'm heading to class early to get my favorite seat, see ya guys." I yell already walking away.

I make my way to class I'm one of the few early so I head to the back and set my books down.

 I despise science so that's why I love the back so the teacher won't call on me bc well the teacher is a tee wee bit old and has bad eyes.

   As the class begins I put one headphone in and grab my sketchbook and start zeroing out the class. 

   The door slams open causing the whole class to look up to the one and only Greyson.

 I've never seen him in this class what's he doing here? "Greyson glad to see you here please take a seat I was just about to announce something to the class." Mr. ficks says. 

    "Alright, class make sure to give me the permission slips for the New York City trip by the end of the week." I go back to doodling and tapping my fingers on the desk when "change" by Deftones plays. 

   Don't you just love it when Chino Moreno moans ugh makes my brain tingle.

As I'm thinking about young Chino and how hot he was I see Greyson slump in the chair next to me. Great as if my day can't get any better.

    I feel his eyes burning on me and as if on cue the bell rings. I gather my things faster than usual and head out of class.

    Thankfully that was my last class so I head straight to my car. As I put my key in the ignition it doesn't start. Wtf. 

   So try a second then a third time. "UGH" I yell as I hit my stupid wheel accidentally causing the horn to honk. 

Oops... looking up immediately to see if anyone heard that and to my luck someone did. It was Kaleb, one of Greyson's friends. Great.

He stalks toward my car and I get out to apologize. "Sorry I didn't mean to honk my stupid car won't turn on" I exclaim. "Haha, it's all good ..Davina right?" "Yep, that's me" wtf who says that omg I'm so dumb. 

   He comes beside me and gets in the driver's seat to see the problem "ah you're just out of gas I could give you a lift home if ya want."

    "Oh, are you sure?" I look to his car right beside mine and see that there are already two other people in there. "I don't want to ruin your plans or anything" gesturing to the people.

   "Ah, not a problem those are just the guys, and plus we ain't got plans," I say a brief thank you and slide into the back seat suddenly feeling two pairs of eyes on me. 

   They look like twins. Reading my mind the one beside me smiles warmly and says "Hi I'm Jackson and that's Jay we're twins." 

    "hi, I'm Davina my car has no gas so Kaleb thankfully is driving me home" I try to say as warmly as possible. Who knew Greyson's friends were nice. Thank God he isn't here.

As Kaleb starts the car Jackson whines "I'm hungry let's go to that cute diner look over there!!!!" He almost whacks me in the face pointing I quickly dodge his hand. "Davina you okay with it" Kaleb asks. 

   "Yea ofc it's the best diner in town." I preach. "Can I have two of these OH! Two sides of fries and Ummm a chocolate milkshake. Davy, what do you want?" Warmth spreads to my cheeks with the nickname he called me, how cute. 

"Hm, just the burger and fries with a coke please," I say nicely to the waiter.

   "Sooo Davy do you got a boyfriend?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I laugh

    "haha your funny but no I don't." "Good because your our new friend now which means coming to our football games, hanging at our house- "dude shutup you're going to scare the poor girl away you just met her." Jay breathes out.

Once we finished our food (which btw was sooo good) the waiter came around for the check.

    I went to grab the check but Kaleb got to it before I could, so we all thanked Kaleb. 

My phone buzzed so I quickly took it out of my back pocket and looked down to see who texted, it was Mia still blabbing about the whole NYC trip.

    Deciding against to text her I shoved my phone in my pocket and looked back up to see them all staring at me. 

   Kaleb had pure anger shown all over his face and shoved the check to the waiter's chest roughly and said "she's off-limits" confused I looked to Jackson just to see his face the same as Kaleb's, weird.

   We headed back into the car and I gave Kaleb my address and we started driving towards my house. 

    "Aight Ima pick you up at 7:40 tomorrow be ready" Kaleb yells while Jackson screams with joy and Jay just nods.

    As I lay on my bed wondering what the hell just happened my eyes seem to get a little droopy, and I blame it on the big meal I just had.

    Sleep takes over my body and next thing ya know I'm passed out cold turkey.

A/N: ahhhh first chapter done! Pls no hate this is my first book and I'm new to all of this lol. I hope you enjoyed it! If you did make sure to vote !!!

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