8 - Royally Strange Prince

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The battle between screaming and trying not to scream is really difficult. On one hand, it's a human instinct that can save my life. On the other hand, it would draw a lot of attention to myself.

To compromise, a muffled squeal escaped me. I swiveled around, putting my fists up as if it was possible I could fight anyone.

But through the dim light, I heard a chuckle. "It's a little late for a fight."

I furrowed my brows and peered through the dark. I realized it was Cole standing in front of me wearing a black hoodie. I slowly lowered my hands. "What exactly is the punishment for beating up a prince?"

"A few generous days in a cell maybe." He shrugged.

"Is that true?"

"Probably not. Last time I got in a fight, I couldn't exactly tell them I was a prince."

So it seemed he kept his identity a secret while he was out. Like the night at the concert. I crossed my arms. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, first, I live here," he remarked. "Secondly, I was looking for you, but apparently you've stumbled into my direction."

"And why is that?"

"You can't tell me you don't want to know why you found the illustrious Prince Cole at an underground concert?"

I waved him off. "I'm not the most favorable to anyone who refers to themselves in third person."

The corner's of his mouth lifted. "Lapse of judgement." He glanced at the painting I had been looking at, his smile widening. "Ah, you've found Lady Lisa."

"Who?" I questioned.

"Lady Lisa, Duchess of Cottonstein. Married an Abernathy before she was killed in a tragic hunting accident after trying to adjust her hair on the range."

"That's... morbid. But fitting, I guess."

"I wholeheartedly agree." He gestured in front of him. "Care to walk? I'm starving, and we might as well kill two snakes with one bullet."

I was pretty sure that wasn't how the saying went, but I wasn't in the mood to correct him. I nodded and joined him in walking down the hall.

I let out a breath. "I'll bite. Why were you at the concert?"

"No other reason besides entertainment," he responded.

I doubted that, seeing how abruptly he'd left. "You do realize you're you?"

"Made aware of that everyday. Believe me."

"Okay, so what do I have to do with this?"

He tucked his hands in his pockets. "I don't take you for a snitch, but I'd prefer it if you could keep it under wraps. And I'll forget the whole you being underaged."

"Aren't you 20?"

"Almost 21." He gave a half shrug. "You realize I am me?"

I pressed my lips together. "I can't tell if you're full of yourself or just annoying."

"A little bit of both, depends on the day," he assured. "But you're a friend of Louis?"


"Huh, is that so? How'd you get acquainted with him?"

"It's a long story. Never intended to get involved with a prince or two in my life." I brushed a braid out of my face as we marched down the stairs.

"Well, strange things befall us all, don't they?"

"I mean, I guess. But is it not... weird for him to like, you know, be the lovechild of who your father cheated on your mother with?"

He rubbed his chin. "Objectively, it is. I loved my father, but I still recognize he was a cheating bastard."

That level of honesty wasn't something I had expected. I'd been careful to watch what I said about their family, but Cole didn't seem to care. I chewed on the inside of my cheek. "How come your aunt and uncle are King and Queen then? Why wouldn't it be any of you?"

"A little murky, but it didn't really fall into our hands. I was only like 14, so it was of little concern to me. But Stephen could have, but he chose to forego it."

"Really? He seemed the most..."

"Ass kissy?" That worked.

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Don't care much for him anymore. Don't know why he does the things he does. Like he's got that awful coffee business. You've already had a lick of that."

It almost made me gag again just by thinking about it. "That was his coffee?"

"Yep, his brand. Started it about five years ago. The guy even prefers tea. Strange fellow."

We entered the kitchen, and he flipped a light switch on, illuminating half of the room. He busied himself with getting supplies out of the fridge.

I leaned against a counter. "You just come down here whenever you want? Wouldn't one of your butlers be willing to make you something?"

"You've some broad assumptions about me. I'd be careful about them," he said as he pulled out a carton of eggs. "You've only just met me."

"Yeah, but I can already tell a lot about you."

"Like what?"

"You seem to think it's cool or fun to not 'play by the rules'. Maybe have a distaste for authority. Probably some degree of a womanizer."

He tossed his head back and let out a laugh, the kind of laugh I would only see in movies. "Funniest thing I've heard all day."

"Explain to me how?"

"No, I don't think I will. I've quite the distaste for authority." He started frying an egg. "But anyway, you're joining Court?"

"Against my will, really."

"Life's a little tugboat. I could care to give you some tips."

"I think I've got it covered." I counted it out on my fingers. "Be nice to the nobility, don't be mean to the nobility, and don't ruin their hats."

He gave a silent laugh, wiping a tear from his eyes. "God, you're the most hilarious thing to come into existence."

Still wasn't a joy to be laughed at. I glowered at him. "Your family is proving to be very, very frustrating."

"It runs in the bloodline." He placed the egg and a sausage he warmed up in the microwave on a plate. "But you've got it covered for the most part. Maybe I'll drop by to make sure you don't mess it up, along with my half brother."

"Are you not attending?"

"Maybe. I've got some things in my schedule."

"Like stopping by concerts?" I remarked.

"Yes, to stop Millie from having any alcoholic beverages at her young, impressionable age." He took a bite of his sausage. "But no, something else. And you should be heading to bed now. Knowing how this all goes down, you need to be up by 8."

"But it's the weekend!"

"No better time than bright and early. Only the mediocre mourn the morning."

"You realize I can't understand you half the time?"

"All part of my charm. Alas, a very goodnight."

"Night." I shook my head as I exited the kitchen and headed back to my room.

He was a little strange, unconventional for a prince. Then again, Wilkerson was right there. Plus, he was definitely hiding something. I didn't know if I cared to find out, but maybe the answer would fall into my lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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