6 - Royally Not Cut Out For This

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The weekend came around, and god, it was harder to ward away my friends than I thought. They'd managed to lure me down to the basement. "You've never gone home once this school year," Spin said. "Are you sure it's not a boy? Maybe someone else significant?"

It was both a boy and someone significant, but not close to what he thought. "No, I'm sure Spin. Can I have my phone back now?"

He tossed my phone into my hands. "When did you change your password?"

"I do it any time I can, knowing you."

"Ah, right." He grinned. "But enjoy your time at 'home'. I hope it's as splendid as you hope."

Marsh came out of the restroom with a spray can and a pair of white shoes that were now cerulean blue. "She's hiding something."

"Not you, too." I groaned.

He shrugged. "You've been acting fishy lately. Ever since we got back from the concert."

"Because it was quite the enlightening experience. Now, if you don't mind, I'm on my way now."

"Then, please, let us walk you out," Marsh teased.

"I sincerely hope all your shoes get creased and scuffed." Before they could say anything else, I hurried up the stairs and out of the basement. I glanced back to make sure they weren't following me, and then I started towards the corridor where I'd talked to Wilkerson.

He was already there, dressed in a navy crewneck with a white collar, khakis, and brown loafers. If pretentious had a look.

It made me wonder if I was under dressed. All I had on was a gray sweatshirt, black joggers, and sneakers. If I was, he didn't seem to show it. And I wouldn't have cared what he thought anyway.

"So shall we get this over with, thy majesty?" I jeered.

He crossed his arms. "We should. And I would prefer you don't address me that way."

"But aren't you–"

He put a hand up. "As much as I'd love to stand here and have you mock me, we have to go."

"Right, to the palace." I furrowed my brow. "How are we getting there?"

He let out a breath. "Follow me."

He started into long strides, and I basically had to speed walk to keep up with him. "You know, you can't just tell me to follow you. What if you're trying to kidnap me?"

"Then please, be my guest and stay here," he retorted.

"I'm not going to do that. I was just saying."

He ignored me and pushed through the double door exit. I squinted as the sun shone down on me, a light breeze in the air. It was Spring, but the weather was basically like this all year long. If it wasn't, I'd probably go out with my friends a lot less.

We reached the parking lot, and Wilkerson led me to a where a black SUV was waiting. A man stepped out of the car in a suit, his light hair slicked back on his head. Okay, maybe there is a high chance I am about to be kidnapped. Couldn't be worse than getting detention. He gave a bow—like a genuine bow—and smiled at Wilkerson. "Prince Louis."

I couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable he seemed being referred to as that. "Fabien."

"I hope all is well with you. It's been six months, I believe?" Fabian asked.

"Yeah, it has." He let out a breath, gesturing at me. "And this is Mildred Dubrey."

"Just Millie," I interjected. God, I'd already told him about the name, hadn't I?

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