2 - Royally Going to Get Revenge

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Damn, damn, damnit. Damnit, Wilkerson! I blame him and only him!

I guess I was lucky to only get one morning of detention rather than a whole week. Yola decided that it wasn't completely my fault for tripping the prank in her room, and she seemed to accept my excuse that I went to look at one of her old newspapers. Just a stroke to her ego was enough.

But still. I'm pissed. Wilkerson swore he'd cover for me, and he ratted me out to my face. I could still see his stupid expression and his stupid hair and stupid height. He wouldn't get away with this.

Was I overreacting? No way. The ticket was right there; all I had to do was grab it. And then the stupid trap and Wilkerson appeared, preventing me from succeeding scot free. But now there was virtually no way I'd be able to sneak into Yola's again and retrieve it.

And then the worst part of all of this was hearing my friends mock me when they found out. Isa laughed at me when I showed up in the dorm. And she never laughs at anyone! There was the prospect that I'd never live this down, and the "I told you so"s that would never stop coming for a long time. There was only one way to move on from this.

And that was revenge.

I was still severely sleep deprived that morning, but my quest for vengeance was more energizing than a cup of coffee.

"How was your time in the slammer, Millie?" Marsh asked as I joined him in walking out of the cafeteria.

"Sucky," I retorted.

"Well, you're lucky. It could have been worse."

I rolled my eyes. "I shouldn't have gone there at all. I haven't had detention since 3rd Year."

"Somehow," he remarked. He was right about that. We all honestly deserved more detentions than we had. Krash had gone the most, and that was only about four times in her entire time at Mes Torrigno. We were great at not getting caught.

"Whatever. But what now?" I asked. "I can't believe this happened to me, and it's all..."

"It's all?"

I clenched my fists. "Wilkerson's fault! He snitched on me."

"To be fair, he's an office aide. It's kind of his job," he said as we stepped past the double doors leading outside.

"But still, that was a jerk move." I crossed my arms. "And he's not getting away with this."

Marsh fist bumped a few people that passed us by as we strolled down the courtyard. "So what are you planning to do? I don't really get close to his circle, but I don't think he's someone who gets snatched up easily."

"Something devastating. Something that makes him never want to look me in the eyes ever again," I muttered. And I meant that.

"You realize how unfeasible that sounds?"

I didn't care how it sounded. I would wreck my revenge on Wilkerson. "You must have some idea of how I can get to him."

"You could kick his ass?" he suggested with a shrug.

Fights were too messy, plus, Wilkerson was nearly a foot taller than me. "You know very well I'd never do that to anyone."

He laughed. "I know. That's Krash's thing, but you wanted ideas."

"Real ideas, Marsh, real ones."

"Hm, I mean a guy like that would be good at keeping his rep clean, I would think." He rubbed his chin and waved at someone across the courtyard. "Hey, Yates!"

A tall, shaggy blond-haired boy jogged up to us. "What's up?"

Marsh dapped him up. "What you know about Wilkerson?"

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