7 - Royally Hate the Royal Family

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"Well, it's not my fault." I threw my hands in the air. "Why would the Queen use the public restroom, huh? Doesn't she have her own gold encrusted latrine?"

Wilkerson glowered at me. "No, she does not. Which still doesn't mean you should pick up things that don't belong to you."

"I'm sorry. I thought it looked nice." And that was an obvious lie. But I was already in trouble; I had little else to lose.

So basically, plot twist of the century, the hat belonged to the Queen, and I must admit, I probably looked very improper. But she didn't say anything to me, so it's okay. Kind of.

I let out a breath. "What now? Do I owe her my first born?"

"No, that's beyond unnecessary," Fabian said. "An apology should suffice, lest it's genuine."

"Great, I can do that."

Wilkerson crossed his arms. "It doesn't seem like you care at all."

"I care a lot. I promise." Yeah, about not being able to get that invitation. I'd have to convince her it was a misunderstanding.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "We haven't even been here for five minutes, and you're already causing problems. Is it so much to ask for you to just act right?"

That was insulting to my character, but I held my tongue, because he probably expected me to make a remark. But I was going to prove him wrong.

"Okay." I gave a tight nod. "What now?"

"We'll be meeting the family in the tea room," Fabien said. Tea room? Should I even be surprised at this point? "Follow me."

He led us down the hall, and a few people passed us by, tossing brief, curious glances. But it was still pretty empty for such a big place. They were supposedly secretive.

Walking into this, I'd probably have to keep in mind that I'd have to work a little harder to earn their favor. The whole hat fiasco kind of started me out at a negative here. I winced just thinking about it.

We reached the end of a corridor, where a white door was decorated with intricate, gold designs. Two guards were posted at the front and saluted us as we neared. Well, this was it. "Do you think they'll get away with executing me?" I blurted.

Wilkerson glowered at me, and Fabien shook his head. "That's hardly necessary. You'll be fine."

It seemed Fabien would remain immune to my jokes. That was fine. It was comical having a butler rebuke me. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"Please refrain from those comments while we're here," Wilkerson scoffed.

I put my hands up. "Look, I'm not dumb. I'm not going to blow something like this."

He narrowed his eyes at me, and I could tell he wasn't entirely convinced. I closed my mouth and drew a line across them to prove a point.

He sighed and gestured at the door. "Let's go."

Fabien pulled open the door, and we stepped inside. It was a vast room, just as decorated as the rest of the castle, but it had tables with a morbid selection of drinks. I'd go crazy in a place like this. But of course I couldn't, because there were people at the large table with their eyes trained on us.

Was there a chance I could develop super powers and sink into the floorboards?

"Louis, you're here!" a woman squealed, breaking the silence as she made her way to Wilkerson. She had long, silky black hair in small ringlets and a dimpled smile. Even in such a warm gesture, she was dignified in her movements.

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