"Where are you going Ella?" Jisoo asked, trying to contain her smile.

"To help my mama bring the food," the little girl said coldly before marching towards Lisa angrily.

Jennie hadn't even noticed her daughter was just as angry watching Lisa with that girl as Jennie was. She had been too busy watching Lisa talk to the girl to even look at Ella.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung almost laughed out loud again. They looked towards Jennie who was still glaring at the scene, not realizing she had squeezed her cup so hard when she noticed the brunette girl had touched Lisa's arm that the smoothie was spilling all over her hand.

Jisoo couldn't help it anymore, she actually laughed, loudly. Jennie finally snapped her eyes at them.

Chaeyoung shoved her wife lightly, "stop babe."

"I can't," Jisoo cackled, laughing at the top of her lungs. Chaeyoung tried to get her to stop laughing at Jennie's expense but she couldn't help the giggles that escaped her too.

Jisoo finally managed to compose herself enough to address Jennie.

"Don't worry too much Jendeuk, I think your daughter is handling it." She said in between giggles.

Jennie glared at Jisoo one last time before turning her gaze back to Lisa and the brunette girl that was talking to her.


Lisa had finally made it to the front of the line but ever the gentlewoman, she offered for the girl that had approached her to go ahead and order first. The woman had declined and had looked on amused as Lisa ordered pretty much everything off the menu.

"Do you usually eat that much?" the girl asked.

Lisa laughed at the comment.

"No, I kind of lost a bet so I get to buy food for everyone. Half of the food I ordered is for my best friend though. She eats a lot. I don't know how she stays so skinny and fit." Lisa admitted, laughing as she said so.

The girl next to her grabbed onto Lisa's arm and caressed it, "how do you stay so fit? I'm pretty sure I can even see the abs under your shirt."

Lisa was about to answer the girl when Ella suddenly appeared next to Lisa's side.

"Mama, what's taking you so long?" Ella asked, grabbing the arm the brunette woman had been holding, ripping it away from her and lacing her little fingers into her mama's own.

Lisa immediately turned her attention to Ella, "Sorry baby, they're really busy. I just ordered though. They'll be done soon."

The brunette girl in front of Lisa turned to the little girl.

"Who's this?"

Lisa proudly announced that Ella was her daughter. The brunette girl deflated a bit.

"You're married?" She asked Lisa.

"No?" Lisa answered innocently, still not understanding she was being hit on.

"You are into women though right?"

"Uh, yeah?" Lisa answered her again with furrowed brows.

The brunette smiled at her.

"Good, can I have your number then?"

"No. You can't." Ella said sharply before Lisa could even respond. She glared at the brunette, dragging her mama away. "She's taken. She belongs to my mommy."

She pulled Lisa by the hand harshly, forcing Lisa to follow her.

Lisa managed to shoot an apologetic look at the brunette as her daughter pulled her away. Finally realizing what had been happening. She'd been so oblivious to the fact the brunette girl had been trying to flirt with her. Lisa was now trying to fight the blush that was dangerously close to taking over at the fact that Ella said she belonged to Jennie. I mean, it's not like she was wrong. She did belong to Jennie no matter their status.

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