Chapter 15

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The next few days I keep my ears and eyes wide open for any sign of him

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The next few days I keep my ears and eyes wide open for any sign of him. I'm grateful even Chin-Hwa realizes that my little crush needs to be kept a grave secret. We don't go to the practice field again, but on the morning of the fourth day the whole contingent suddenly marches into the courtyard.

Chin-Hwa leaps up and pulls me with her to the doorway. She covers her smile behind her hands, but I can only feel terror as I see how Mr. Kim inspects his soldiers one by one.

Beside me, my friend whispers: "I asked daddy if we could have another guard, so we wouldn't have to wait inside when he needs to go on a trip. He's going to choose one today. Or two. Which one do you want him to choose?"

Choose? I don't even dare to look at the men, too afraid my affection will betray me. I spot Gi-Kyong immediately, but when I quickly move on to the next, I see more familiar faces. My eyebrows rise and I quickly avert my eyes. Did his friends come too? Why would they take that risk?

When her father is done inspecting his troops and seems satisfied, Chin-Hwa skips out the house to stand beside him. He doesn't like her interference, but doesn't scold her in front of the men. She pulls his arm, stands on tiptoes and whispers in his ear while she points in the direction of Gi-Kyong. Oh no, Chin-Hwa, what are you doing?

She makes sure not to look at me and also points out another one. I'm astonished to find it's one of the three friends. Would she have picked him randomly or is he more to her liking? He does have a more robust build, with broad shoulders and a firm chin.

Her father squints at the men, but both stare straight ahead, stand up stiffly and show no sign whatsoever that they care whether they are picked or not. I'm terrified and also very proud that they manage to pull this off.

In the end, Chin-Hwa gets her way and both men are ordered to collect their belongings and report back here. The whole group departs and I'm left with an aching heart.

We don't hear when they get back, because we're stuck in the house all day, learning how to run a household. We're taught by a fierce old lady, how to pour tea the right way, how to read a calendar to determine the right time to conceive a son and how to decide the right amounts of food to be prepared. In the end my head is spinning and by the looks of it, Chin-Hwa is no better.

We go to bed early and I lie awake half the night expecting Gi-Kyong to climb through the window again. I've even cleared the room to make sure he doesn't trip. But he doesn't come and my head throbs in the morning.

It's instantly better, however, when I see him standing on one side of the gate, as soon as Chin-Hwa and I step outside. His friend is on the other side. Both bow to us, but show no signs of familiarity at all.

I was correct about Chin-Hwa's preference, because she quickly slips on her shoes and demurely walks over to Gi-Kyong's friend. I follow at a slower pace and keep my head down.

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