(Imagine it as hoseok pulled out yoongi's heart)

Hoseok: Good bye... Yoongi..... Hope to see you in somewhere......

He said as yoongi fall down in the floor dropped dead..... On the other side, Kang Min saw all of this, and he didn't waste any time and goes towards Tessa...... He need to fulfill this sacrifice anyhow...... He took Aria by his hold in the middle of the spell as Tessa was chanting and torn her wings in one go ....... This caused a steer scream as Her one wings are torn apart from her body..... A part of her body........ He throw the wing in the pit as Tessa looked horrified seeing this.......

Tessa: Majesty, what did you just do??? The spell wasn't complete..... Her powers are not awakened yet ... We have to wake her powers than take it out of her body...... Now the powers won't come to you..... She will be vanished as a torment soul.........

Tessa said as his plan was ruined.... His all years of hardwork, wasted by Hoseok..... He became so greed that he forget this.......


Tessa: I can't do anything......

On the other hand, seeing this commotion, hoseok didn't care about anything.... He straight goes to that suffering angel who is now shivering in pain and covered in her own blood that is coming from her back...... It's would be a lie to say that he didn't fall for her...... A ethereal beauty that supposed to be in heaven...... He know it's a sin to fall for her... But he couldn't help.....

Hoseok: Hy.... Stay with me.... You can bear it......I will heal you...... Just stay with me......

He was about to cut his palm as he said those words just then he was thrown to the wall..... He slowly get out from the recover and just then he was chocked by none other than but his father......

Kang Min: I would have killed you along with your mother and their mothers ..... You are a full demon.... You have same Category as mine... Moreover, you have my blood running through your veins.... But one thing you forget is I am more powerful than you......

And with that his father stabbed in his chest with the witch knife as hoseok eyes got bigger as this......

On the other hand, Namjoon reached to his room as he saw Aria laying in her own blood.... He was gone to search for her only to find others dead body which gives him a uneasy feeling...... Then he saw the red moon rise as he knew this red moon ritual..... And Aria running.....  He immediately goes to her and hold her tightly in his arms.....  Aria looked into namjoon eyes but only he find a hate..... A hateful eyes......

Aria: I hate you.... I will.... always....hate......you in ....every....part.....of .....my life...... I cursed....you .....to ..... love me..... But I... will hate.....you .......

And with that she took her last breath as her body turned pale...... Soon her body resolved as a sand ........... He couldn't y it..... She is dead...... She is dead because of him.... She balmed him because of her death....... He loved her....... His love turned into dark Obsession.... Devil Dark Obsession....... In the first time, tear slipped from a devil eyes for a angel.... A forbidden love that holds nothing but destruction....... He feel devastated....... Seeing all of this...... This power of throne took his brothers and his  love........

He stand up as he saw his father who is happy to kill his own son.... He would be after all, they all are just his puppets........ His eyes hold nothing but hurt ..... Soon that hurt turned into a hate.... A hate to this place..... Hell.....

He slowly get out of here not knowing where to go....... He reached into a cliff as the lava that was erupting volcano....... He looked sadly as only thing he remembers is her smile... That smile he saw in nowhere.......

" You are bounded with me..... I love you.... Even if you hate me... I will love you.... And I won't stop until I have you.... In next and after so many lifetimes I had, I will make you mine..... You are only Mine, angel queen..... My princess.....", Namjoon said in his mind as he jumped from the cliff killing himself to be with her.........

But little did he know, not only him, but the others also wanted to same thing......... To be with her.... To make her his........ She is  Devils Dark Obsession.........



To be continued


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Finally, the book of hoseok reading is over.... The next chapter it will be present...... Tell me about the thought of this book..... And please comment.... I feel motivated when you all comment.... It makes me to write more ....... Please I am having writer's block..... So, comment freely............

Love you all.........

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