chapter fifty-five

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Sam and Evie are in the library and researching when they suddenly hear odd clanking noises. Dean walks in and is wearing a chef's apron.

"Did you two hear that?" Dean asks.

"What's with the apron?" Sam asks.

"Burgers! But the pilot light keeps going out. It's like the third time this week. Between that and the hot water, I thought this place was supposed to be state of the art." Dean says.

"It was... in the '50s." Sam says.

"Hm. Ah, Jack come out of his room yet?" Dean asks.

"No. I mean, can you blame him? His soul is back. Everything is hitting him. Everything he's done. Everything he has to do. Amara." Sam says.

"Yeah. Well, I mean Billie said it, to kill Chuck, you gotta kill Amara, too." Dean says.

"Yeah. Cas is still looking, but you know what? Say--Say one of his angel contacts does find her. What then?" Sam asks.

"Then we do what we gotta do." Dean says and they hear more odd clanking noises and the fan stops. "Oh, come on. Now the air?" He asks and they all sigh. "Alright. Well, let's go."

"Go where?" Sam asks.

"To-- dude, we fought the devil, okay? I killed Hitler. I think we can handle a few old pipes." Dean says, taking the apron off.

"I don't think so." Evie argues. "Those have no correlation whatsoever. Killing has nothing to do with pipes."

The two brothers leave, Evie opting to stay and research, even if she would love to see them fail miserably.

After a little bit, there's a clanking and then the bunker powers down.

"Are you serious?" Evie grumbles. After a moment, it powers back on.


"Sammy!" Sam and Evie hear Dean yell and they rush into the library.

"Yeah, hey. I was, uh... hi?" Sam says, seeing an older woman who smiles at him. Evie cautiously moves closer to her dad. "Dean, what's going on?"

"Well, I was walking into my room, about to, uh, dive into my Dean Deluxe. I look up, and there she is, folding my, uh, underthings." Dean says.

"Your underthings?" Sam asks.

"You mean underwear, right? Or there underthings that I'm, like, not aware of?" Evie asks.


"Well, if you'd folded them properly to begin with." The woman says and Dean throws his hands up in disbelief.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Sam asks.

"My true name is-- oh, it's hardly decipherable in your tongue. Mr. Ganem called me Mrs. Butters." She states, giggling.

"Oh, Mrs. Butters." Dean says.

"Wait, our tongue? So, w-what? You're not human?" Sam asks.

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