chapter twenty-seven

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Evie is in the bunker with Mary and some hunters when Sam gets back and walks down the stairs.

"Sam." Mary calls.

"Hey, mom." Sam greets and they hug each other.

"How was Atlanta?" Mary asks as Sam kisses Evie on top of the head.

"It was, uh... it was a bust." Sam says. "The woman who claims she saw an "angel"... was... let's just say I think she had one too many hits of the brown acid, you know?"

"Sam, we're gonna find him. Ketch is working that thing in London. Castiel is in Detroit. I know it's been 3 weeks since Dean..." Mary stops. "Something will break. It has to."

"Yeah. Yeah, you keep saying that." Sam says before yawning.

"Have you slept? At all? Sam, you need to rest. Go and lay down." Mary insists.


"Chief." A guy calls to Sam.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Good to have you back." The man says, handing Sam a bowl of soup.

"Thanks." Sam says.

"Don't thank me yet. Word is we got some vamps heading East on I-90. Gipsy types. Pickin' off truckers mostly." The guy says.

"Last body got drained and dropped just outside La Crosse six hours ago." The guy getting a wound treated by Maggie informs.

"Okay. Um... all right. Get me teams of two. I want watch points every 50 miles. If you see something, say something. Maggie, can you hack the traffic cams on the freeway?"

"Um... no." Maggie answers.

"Right. Right. Of course. Sorry. Um, I got it. Thank you." Sam says. He gives his soup to Mary. "Uh, please. Would you call in Sharon and her crew? We're gonna need all hands on deck here."

"Yes, sir." A guy says.

"Thank you." Sam sits down, getting on his laptop and Mary walks up to him without the soup.


"I'm good." Sam insists and Mary puts her hand over his. "I'm good. I am. Hey, how's Jack?" Sam asks.

Mary lightly informs Sam of how Jack is before leaving him to hack the traffic cams. Evie waits a minute before standing up and going next to her dad's chair.

"I can do it." Evie states.

"I got it, baby." Sam tells her.

"I can hack the traffic cams." Evie says.

"I know you can, but I'm doing it." Sam says.

"You should be laying down like grandma told you to." Evie tells him.


The girl doesn't listen to him and simply shoves his chair away, him rolling over to Maggie and the one dude. Evie gets the laptop and sits in a different chair, the device resting on her lap. Sam rolls back over to her, a parental look on his face.

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