chapter forty-seven

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Sam is sitting at the kitchen table and is on his laptop. Dean walks in, holding an empty cereal box.

"Hey." Dean greets.

"Hey." Sam replies.

"You know they still put, um, jokes on the backs of these things. Listen to this one... what's round and bad tempered? A vicious circle. Cause it's..."

"Yeah, I... I... wait a second, did you eat the whole box?" Sam asks his brother as Evie walks in.

"Yeah. Yeah. Because I'm a champion." Dean says.

"Wait a second. So I've been looking for signs of... of God or... or Lilith, and you've been in your room, eating cereal." Sam says.

"And marathoning Scooby-Doo with my favorite niece." Dean says, motioning to Evie. Sam looks at her and she gives him a sheepish smile.

"Only niece." Evie states.

"Hey, you wanna keep the favorite niece title or not?" Dean asks.

"I-- whatever." Evie mumbles.

"Well, did you find anything?" Dean asks his brother.

"No, not yet." Sam says.

"Shocker." Dean mumbles, grabbing a cereal box. He puts some in his mouth, but immediately spits it out, grabbing a box of Cocoa Crunch.

"Hey, did you notice anything weird just now when you came in?" Sam asks.

"No. Why, did you have another one of your visions?" Dean asks.

"No. I haven't had a vision since Colorado. I think maybe they stopped." Sam says.

"Oh, I doubt it. Not until Chuck gets his endgame, you know? The Winchester Bowl. Cain and Abel 2.0. Plus, the collateral damage that is Evie." Dean says.

"Okay, can we not talk about killing each other?" She asks.

"This is God we're talking about. G-O-D. Wouldn't be too worried about finding him. He'll find us." Dean says.


Sam found Eileen's ghost while on a run and brought her back to the bunker.

"So you were in Hell?" Dean asks and Eileen nods. "You didn't make a deal. You were innocent. You've been down there this whole time?"

"The Hellhound that killed me kind of dragged me there." Eileen says.

"Damn." Dean mutters.

"Yeah, um, she escaped when, uh, Chuck blew all the doors open, and then..." Sam trails off.

"I hauled ass. Far as I could." Eileen says.

"So by the time we got the barrier up, you were already gone." Dean says.

"Been trying to get you guys to see me for a while now. This whole ghost thing doesn't really come with a handbook." Eileen says.

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