chapter thirty-five

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The five get to a house, quietly walking in to try to find the guy they're after. Dean goes upstairs while Cas and Jack go one way, Evie and Sam going a different. After checking their section of the house out, Sam and Evie join Cas and Jack in the kitchen.

"We got nothing." Sam says.

"Aw, come on." They hear Dean complain.

"Seriously? How does this keep happening? I thought we had him this time." Sam says.

"look at this, he's all cut up. No restraints like last time." Dean says.

"He was killed recently too. I suspect he was very much alive when the cutting started." Cas states.

"Oh, God." Evie winces.

"I don't understand. Why don't any of them fight back?" Jack asks.

"Yeah. Who would just let themselves by eaten? Hey, I'll say it again, my money's on witchcraft." Dean says.

"Och you." Rowena objects. "Always blaming witches."

"cCause a lot of times it's witches." Dean states.

"Rowena, your tracking spell was supposed to make this easier." Sam says.

"Huh! There I was, in the middle of a glorious rosewater and vanilla oil massage. hidden away at an exclusive desert spa when you called me, begging for my help." Rowena says.

"Well, because we've been chasing this guy for weeks. What's your point?" Dean asks.

"My point, Dean, is that you asked for my assistance, and I obliged. And while the killer eluded us, it certainly looks as if he were here quite recently." Rowena says. "I'd call that a success."

"Oh, yeah, that's a success. Sam." Dean says, tossing Sam the guy's wallet.

"Hello, Castiel." Rowena greets, smiling.

"Okay, looks like our dinner guest here, his name is Dennis Barron. He's 43, and this is his house. No signs of forced entry and no restraints." Dean says.

"It's all the same." Sam says.

"Yep." Dean mumbles.

"Well, not everything." Jack says, holding up snake skin.

"Ugh!" Evie backs away from Jack, staring at the snake skin in disgust.

"Maybe it's his pet." Dean says.

"It's not still here, is it?" Evie asks, looking around.

"I mean, no pictures in his phone." Sam says. "And, uh, this place doesn't exactly scream "snake guy.""

"Not enough Pantera posters, for one." Rowena says. Jack suddenly as a coughing fit, everybody looking at him, slightly concerned.

"You good, dude?" Evie asks.

"There was some pepper on something." Jack says.

"Doesn't pepper cause sneezing?" Evie questions. "It's not like you ate the peppery thing?"

"I don't know. I'm fine. I'm not dying." Jack says.

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