"Already taken care of but we have to leave theirs an ambush coming it's not safe here" Gabriel spoke but before we can move the sounds of screaming ran through the air. People began to run us as a group of vampires surrounded us.

"Shit" Gabriel cursed.

Suddenly a woman with blue eyes and long green hair walked towards us. "Give us the girl and will be off... no one has to get hurt" she smiled gently. "Never" Gabriel and Alice both spoke in unison.

Suddenly they all lunged at us Gabriel began to fight them off while Alice stayed with me as she protected me from any of them getting to me. There are too many...

"Gabriel!" Alice screams as he begins to bleed badly. I could tell Alice is almost at her limit too.

My eyes widened as I notice one of the vampires running towards Gabriel with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes.... He's going to kill him.

"STOP IT!!!" I screamed as suddenly a white glow wave is released from me causing everyone to stop their movements. "Please stop... I'll do anything but don't hurt them" I yell "Then you will be coming with us" the elf woman spoke as she sent someone to carry me. "Elaine no!" Alice screams as Gabriel desperately tried to get up.

The elf woman summoned a portal, I see Leonardo high in the sky and the sound of the mermaid kingdom soldiers running our way. My heart fluttered "he's here" I whispered as the elf woman's eyes widened in fear. He looked terrifying.

I was immediately thrown into the portal as a growl rippled through the sky causing the ground to break swallowing some of the evil men and closing once again. The sky turned dark as the elf woman fell to her knees

"LEONARDO!" I screamed as he flew with all his might to get me, but it closed just before he was able to get through.

A roar was let out of him then to silence as it was closed.

I began to feel dizzy as I laid on the ground... I then heard the voice of someone. "Get her to my healer."

Then my eyes closed.

Sebastian Vampire Kings P.O.V

Finally, my beloved is here...

I watched as she laid in the healing chamber as the orange glow rayed around her. If the vampire I sent to capture her wasn't already dead, I would have killed him myself for what he had done to my precious.

I touched her beautiful white hair as I expected... she has almost awakened to her form then when she does, I will turn her making her mine forever. Her mind, body, and soul along with her delectable blood be exclusively mine.

"Our deal" a voice smirked behind me as I watched her wicked self-walk around my beloved "She would be given to you, but you would have to kill the beast and release my sister "I had not forgotten our little agreement Kelia you will get your inferior sister back," I say as she gets angry.

"Watch your tongue Sebastian I would hate to see you wind up dead," she said as she walked around me. "I recall you once enjoyed my tongue," I said causing her to smirk. "You haven't changed one bit," she said pulling me closer to her. "It's been far too long since... you tried to kill me you witch," I said as I stop her hand from reaching into my chest and ripping out my heart. "Our handshake you remembered" she laughed evilly as I pushed her back having her slam into a wall far from my beloved and I.

"Your sister will be returned to you I intend to kill the beast and gladly at that," I say as she proudly smirked.

"But if you fail... I have placed a curse on the girl when the sun sets in the next 10 days, if he is not dead then she will die instead" she laughed evilly as I growled "HOW DARE YOU" I yell as she vanishes in a green thunder before I'm able to rip off her head all that was left was her evil laugh.

As I turn, I see the eyes of my beloved begin to flutter open. "W-Where am I," she asks as her eyes begin to focus; she lets out a scream as she sees me. I immediately cover her mouth.

"Shh, my beloved you are where you belong. In the vampire kingdom, by my side as my queen. Don't cry my dearest all is well now you are with me. Now come let's get you cleaned."

Elaine P.O.V

I heard it all... all of it.

She cursed me.... I'm going to die, and I will do everything in my power to not only get away from Sebastian and make sure his agreement doesn't go as planned.

"let's get you cleaned up," he said as he gives me his hand. I simply glare at him "I don't want to go anywhere with you. I don't want to get cleaned up I want to go home!" I said angrily as he simply smiles. "My love your dress is ripped and dirty.... If you want it dirty, then I don't mind" he smirked as I gasp getting up immediately. "That's what I thought. Follow me" he said as he guided me down his castle. "I have my maids waiting for you. If you resist and try to run... well I'll know" he whispered licking my ear, I scream as I push myself away falling between doors into the bathroom. "I'll meet you when you're done...enjoy," he said through the door.

As I relax in the bath, I began to think of my escape plan... I need to play nice...until I can figure out my move.

"Your ladyship our king has requested for you to wear this if you need assistance please inform us," one of the maids said as I nodded to her kindly.

20 minutes later.

I begin to wear the dress with the assistance of the maids. "Thank you" I kindly said as they guide me to where Sebastian is. "My Queen," he said as he reached for my hand kissing it "you look magnificent" I continue to look down. "My love what's the matter," he said as I try to remain calm stature. "What's the occasion having me to wear this dress?" I ask as he guides me to a dinner table. "Occasion? Why you are soon to be my queen I expect you to be presented to all as one" he said seating me as he ate, I remained silent as he continued to talk about wedding plans and the history of the kingdom.

"And that's how my father and his fathers, father fought off the Gorge claiming Vic-"

I interrupt him gently as he pauses to look at me. "I'm sorry... it's been a long day may I be excused to rest" I said gently as he gets up and kisses my hand once again. He's being so kind and gentle I know this is just an act. "But of course, my queen our room is this way" I freeze in my position. "May I have a room alone... please?" I say fearing what will happen. He simply let out a sigh. "I suppose you may have your room to stay in until our wedding. Because if you're with me tonight I won't be able to resist you" he said lustfully as I get disgusted. "T-Thank you," I say as I close the doors having tears immediately fall down my face as I walk into my room laying on my bed as continue to cry. My eyes begin to get heavy after I have changed and drank some refreshing water. I fall into a deep slumber. 

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