7 - Sweet Unity

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Evie was surprised when she heard that she was asked to interview someone at her work. Her shock doubled after finding out that it was Mia.

She told Mia she would give her a chance if she did her work and was good with the customers. She also told her she would have to dress the same or like the other servers. Mia was a little upset by this, but she understood and agreed. She was really excited to work with Evie. Mia wanted to try to get to know her better.

The first week was a bit of a learning curve for her. She found a newfound respect for Evie who had been working there for a while already.

Evie was also impressed with Mia as she was thinking, "Huh? I thought she was just a quiet and shy girl, but she's been working hard. Would you look at that..."

The two grew closer throughout the week from working together. Before they knew it, the day was Friday. It was slow in the afternoon as Mia and Evie were going around to clean up the tables. Mia turned to Evie and smiled. "Um, thank you Evie. For helping me out this week I mean!"

Evie replied, "Oh, don't sweat it girl! You caught on quickly after your first day, I was impressed!"

Mia started to blush a little. "That's because of your help Evie! I've just been so happy since meeting Leon and the others. Working here with you has been so much fun! I didn't think I could be so fortunate."

"Now now, don't be getting all sentimental on me now 80's chick!" Evie said. "It's been fun for me too! I'm actually surprised."

Mia was shocked. "Huh? What do you mean by that Evie-"

The sound of customers walking in through the door cut them off.  The sound of a few familiar voices perked up the two girls' ears as they got closer to them. They were wearing tracksuits and basketball sneakers. Mia's face began to light up. She could tell those two apart from anywhere.

Paul noticed Mia and called out, "Woah what?! You're BOTH working here now? Leon, you believe this man?"

"Oh, no way! That's awesome you two!" He said.

Leon got excited and realized this was the perfect opportunity. "Mia! I have something to show you, I'm glad I ran into you. Check this out!"

He pulled out a flyer showcasing the theme of the school dance. His idea got approved by the student council. Mia looked at the flyer and read it. Her eyes grew big for a moment, and then she began to break down into tears.

Paul tried to comfort her. "There there Mia, it's alright! What's wrong? I'm sorry if that made you upset! I backed up Leon with the idea as well, so did Haley. We thought you might like it, if that's not the case-"

Mia told him, "No! No! That's not it! I'm just so happy! I can't believe you guys would do something like this for me. I don't even know where to start so, thank you!"

Mia began to hug Paul tight as he began to blush. Leon chuckled and smiled. Evie was confused at what was going on and walked over to read the flyer. She couldn't believe it herself.

"You two pretty boys got an 80's themed Homecoming dance approved? How-" An image of Jackie suddenly popped into Evie's head. "Do I even want to know how you pulled this off?"

Paul was still preoccupied with Mia latching on to him. Leon walked over to Evie to tell her everything that happened last week. As he finished explaining it to her, a tiny smile grew on Evie's face. "Wow. That was nice of you Leon. You guys must really care about Mia huh?"

"Well yeah girl, isn't that what friends are for?" Leon answered.

"Friends huh?" Evie looked away. "I haven't had those in a while I wouldn't know-"

"Well, you could if you would stop being so stubborn, ya know?" Leon told her.

"I have my reasons Leon, everyone does."

Leon didn't look satisfied. "Either way, you should come with Mia to Homecoming weekend! How about you come see for yourself and take it from there? What do you say?"

Mia let go of Paul when she heard this idea. "I would love to go! Only if Evie would want to come with me that is."

She gave Evie a set of puppy dog eyes and Evie caved in. "Ughhh, you're lucky we've grown a bit closer lately Mia, fine! I'll check it out." Evie turned to Leon. "This isn't a date though, don't get it twisted... stupid."

Leon had a smile on his face as if he had won the lottery. He felt a familiar bump in his chest.

"Huh? There it is again. This feeling... was Haley actually, right?"

After the two boys gave Mia the good news, they sat down for some food. The girls weren't too busy at the moment, so they helped serve the two together. The four began to chat and laugh altogether.

Before they knew it, Leon and Paul were waving goodbye as they started to head out. Evie and Mia began to finish cleaning up before their shift came to an end. The girls went their separate ways as well and headed home.

Homecoming was right around the corner. For the better, or for the worse...

A Gift and a CurseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang