2 - Locker Scuffle

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There seemed to be a commotion around the lockers. Three girls seemed to be ganging up on one girl by themselves.

The ringleader of the three started to speak up. "Oh. My. Goodness. Can you REALLY believe what this girl is wearing?! Like, the 80's called, they want their clothes back. What a loser!"

The bully turned to her two friends and laughed. "I HAVE to know what your name is, you're hilarious!"

"M-my name is Mia..." replied the girl by herself.

"Well Mia," the ringleader told her, "we're just saying this to be nice, no need to thank us. But you should probably change out of that crap and get with 2020, ya hear?"

Mia look scared. "But... I really like this stuff! It's special to me."

The girl bullying Mia became annoyed. She told her, "Huh? You think you're better than us? Just because you look kind of cute with your neon shirt. That gaudy puffy brown hair? And what's with all these accessories you're wearing? You think you can do whatever you want? Is that it?"

Mia shook her head and tried to calm her down. "No! Not at all! It's just what I like and it's kind of who I am. I just wanna be myself, that's all!"

The whole time this was going on, Leon and the others were observing close by.

"I've got to help this poor girl out; they're really giving her a hard time over something that really has nothing to do with them."

Paul spoke up, "Hey, I know what you're thinking Leon. Something like, "I have to help her!", right? It's none of your business homie. That's just how girls are, right Haley?"

"I mean, you're not wrong," Haley said in agreement. "We all learn the hard way at some point and now it's just her turn. They're all like that..."

"What was that, Haley?" Leon asked surprised.

"Oh, nothing!" Haley told the boy. "Just saying that's totally like normal girl stuff and all, don't worry about it!"

Leon wasn't convinced either way of what they were saying and started to make a move towards the action.

They both called out to Leon, "No don't!"

Leon was about to open his mouth but then, something else happened. The girl harassing Mia told her, "Huh?!" So, you DO think you're better than us!"

The three bullies noticed some charms on Mia's backpack and one of them tried to reach for the charms.

"No! Please, stop," Mia pleaded with them, "they're important to me!"

Leon was about to speak up. Suddenly, the girl's hand got smacked away from Mia's backpack out of nowhere. It felt like it was happening in slow motion.

"Hey you, yeah you," A mystery girl called out to the bullies, "the needy attention whores, back off!"

Everyone in the hallway was surprised at what had just happened. Leon looked up and noticed a girl with medium brown hair, wearing a modern leather jacket with jeans with sneakers.

"What the? Who is this girl? What's going on?" Leon felt a little stutter in his chest. "What the hell was that I just felt?"

Mia was standing there in awe at what was happening. The "attention whore" said back, "Hey wannabe biker chick, this has nothing to do with you, get lost."

"Oh, no?" She told the bully. "I could say that same to you. Picking on a girl who's happy with being herself. Sounds like that doesn't concern either of us honestly."

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