Chapter 10

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(Y/N) looked at her new surroundings with a puzzled face. On the other side of the room, a box sat next to a weirdly shaped object. Looking down, she could also see a gap in the floor, one too big to be jumped over. Gabriel pointed at the wall above the gap and she saw what looked to be a canvas with eyes.

It suddenly started to slide down the wall until it was laying over the gap, creating a bridge big enough to pass. It blinked at her. Gabriel started to walk over it when she stopped him,

"Hold on Gabriel, we don't know if it's safe." She grabbed his hand to hold him in place before looking down again. "Is it ok to cross?" She asked, feeling weird about asking a painting for permission.

Its eyes stared at her before closing and Gabriel smiled. "Guess so!" He let go of her hand and walked across. She followed shortly behind and walked to the strange object.

It was blue and looked to be a pyramid made out of clay. She had a thought and began pushing the item to the hole. She was out of breath by the time it fell and wondered why it was so heavy.

"Why did you do that Miss (Y/N)?"

"I'm hoping that it could help Alfred get back to us. We went upstairs so maybe it'll fall to where he is." She frowned. "Now I just hope it didn't fall on him."

They walked through a long hallway, and Gabriel broke the silence. "Miss (Y/N), can I ask you something?"

"Of course." She replied, giving him a reassuring look.

"Is Alfred your brother?"

"Oh no... Alfred and I met here in this weird gallery."

"I see, do you have a mom?"

"I do, she's... Ok." She said, not knowing how to explain her mom. She had taken care of her growing up, but the older she got, the more distant her mom became. She had pushed her daughter academically every way she could. It wasn't that her mom was mean or spiteful, she just wanted what was best for her daughter. Sadly, that sometimes meant she wasn't there when (Y/N) needed her the most.

"Is she nice?" He asked and she chuckled.

"Not when she's mad."

"Did you get in trouble a lot?" He didn't wait for a response. "You must want to see her again soon right? I want to get out soon too."

She stopped walking and bent down to his level and gently poked his nose. "We'll get out of here, don't you worry. And you'll see your parents and family soon."

Gabriel looked at her sadly. "What if only two of us could get out of here? Then what?"

She stared at him for a while, thinking her answer over. "Then I'd stay here and let you and Alfred out."

"Wha? Really Miss (Y/N)?" He asked, eye wide and jaw slightly ajar. "But then you'd never see your mom again!"

"But you two would be safe and home." When it came down to it, she knew she would stay if necessary. She knew Alfred had a life, friends, and probably a family that needed him. Maybe he was even a college student, going through his life to bigger and better things.

She had none of that. She had a small job in her town but found herself replaceable. She wasn't going to school, and she certainly hadn't talked to her parents since her high school graduation. In their eyes, she had failed them by not continuing to college. She just wanted to take a gap year to find herself. But that gap year turned into three long years of not knowing what to do with her life.

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