Chapter 6

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 (Y/N) let go of Alfred's hand once they passed through the door. She had worked herself up over nothing as it was empty save a couple paintings on the wall. Seeing another door, she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"This place is giving me more anxiety than I already have."

"No kidding, I'm never going to be able to look at another painting again after this," Alfred replied, tearing his gaze away from the art.

"Really sucks too. The only reason I'm here is because of Vargas."

"You a fan of him?"

"No, my grandma was. Really liked his art and even had some copies in her home before she got moved to assisted living. When I heard about the exhibit I wanted to figure out why she liked it so much."

"I understand that. My friend is a huge nerd, doesn't matter what it's about. Pretty sure he's got some complex that he needs to be right about everything so he studies whenever he can." He let out a chuckle. "Dude's got major eyebrows, he should study some beauty tips."

She gently slapped his arm with a smile. "Some people find beauty in places others don't. I'm sure someone will find his eyebrows attractive."

"If they like caterpillars maybe."

The humorous conversation lifted her mood. It was the first time she had truly smiled and it felt nice. Questions about Alfred started to appear in her head. It was obvious he lived in or near the city, so she was sure she would see him again. She truly enjoyed his company and didn't mind getting to know him better.

"Hey, Alfred." She started as they opened the door. She never finished, the thoughts dissipating into thin air as she saw mannequin heads lining the corridor. The uneasy feeling returned as they walked through the line. She noticed as they passed, their eyes followed. She gulped and briskly followed Alfred through the next door.

She sighed as they were met with another maze. Looking at Alfred she noticed he wasn't looking too good. His cheeks were flushed and his blue eyes were darting from side to side, looking for more heads to appear.

"Hey, it's ok." She calmingly said, softly touching his hand. He gripped it like a lifeline and squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a shaky breath.

They stayed like that until she felt his tense body relax. She hadn't seen him act like that and it worried her. She soothingly rubbed her thumb over his hand and he opened his eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asked, concern lacing her words.

He nodded and licked his lips. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just really, really hate mannequins."

She nodded in understanding. "If you'd like, you can still hold my hand." She saw his eyes dart to where their hands were still clasped together and saw the debate run through his head. "It makes me feel safer."

He nodded and she gave another small squeeze before pointing to a direction. "Let's go that way.

As they walked she noticed multiple paintings of the women lining the walls. As they passed by the "Lady in Red" she jumped off and began chasing.

Running down the hall they looped up and headed for the first door they saw. Gripping the knob she turned it as far as it would go, which wasn't far in its locked state. She swore under her breath as she heard the painting getting closer.

Trying another door yielded the same result and she felt Alfred jump next to her. Looking up at him she scanned the room. "What is it?"

"Nothing, I thought I just saw something pass by in the window."

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