Chapter 8

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She huffed as the figure ran into her stomach. They fell back and landed on the floor, looking dazed.

"Whoa, are you ok?" Alfred asked her and then eyed the stranger.

He was a little boy, possibly no older than ten. He was wearing what looked to be a black tunic covered by a small cloak that covered his arms. A pair of tan pants and boots covered his bottom half. Resting atop his golden hair was a matching black hat.

He looked up at the pair and scooted back, preparing to run. Alfred stepped in front of him and bent down to his level. "Wait! Are you one of the visitors of the gallery?" He asked the little boy looked surprised.

(Y/N) knelt beside Alfred with a friendly smile. "I'm (Y/N), and this is Alfred." She introduced. The little boy didn't respond and shyly stared at the pair.

"We were in the art gallery but somehow found ourselves lost in this place. We're trying to find a way out. Are you doing the same thing?" Alfred asked.

"I... I was looking to see if there was anyone else too." He mumbled, a thick German accent accompanying his words. "I wanted to get out... So I..." He trailed off and looked at the ground.

She felt sympathy for the little boy. She herself, while putting on a brave face, found this place scary. She couldn't imagine what it would be like for a little boy all alone.

"Why don't you come with us?" She asked. "It's dangerous to be here alone. There are lots of strange creatures around. It would be safer if we all stuck together."

The little boy looked surprised to be offered help and safely and she briefly wondered what sort of hell he had already been through.

"J-Ja, I'll come." He quietly said and bashfully looked up at her.

"Great! Alfred exclaimed. "What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Gabriel." Alfred extended his hand out for a handshake. Gabriel's small hand took it and gave a shake. He then looked at her and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too Miss (Y/N)."

"Alright, now that we have more company let's get out of here!"

She extended her hand and Gabriel took it, allowing her to guide him through the halls. At the end, there was a table with a vase on it. She looked over at Alfred and motioned towards it.

"Do you need to heal your rose?"

He shook his head. "Hey Gabriel, (Y/N) and I both have roses, do you have one too?"

The little boy gently took out a yellow rose from the inside of his cloak and held it up for him to see.

"Perfect!" She said, "Don't lose it now ok? And don't give it to anyone, or-" She was cut off as Gabriel looked at her rose.

"Your rose is red, mine is yellow! I like the color yellow, but I also like green! Oh, and blue!"

"You need to listen to us, Gabriel." Alfred said with a serious gaze and led the three up the hall. A note was taped onto the door and Alfred ripped it down. "Which one is it really?"

"What does that mean?" She asked, her eyes narrowing in confusion. Gabriel, who had since remained quiet, tugged at her shirt.

"Miss (Y/N), may I hold your hand?"

She felt her heart melt. "Of course you can." She extended her hand down for him to grab. It felt nice having someone else to protect. She saw Alfred as an equal companion. While he was stronger, faster, and more athletic than her, they worked together as a team.

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