Chapter 4

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After resting, she stood up and passed the rest of the books. She hadn't even tried the door on the other side of the room. She twisted the knob and found it locked, much to her chagrin. She looked around the room, thinking there would be a key somewhere. Pulling random books off the shelves, she flipped through the pages, looking for anything that could help her. Going down the row of books next to the locked door, she jumped when a book fell off of the shelf. Slowly walking towards it she bent down and examined it. It seemed to be made of construction paper tied together with rainbow-colored twine.

Carrie Careless and the Galette des Rois.

A group of four stood around a table with a simple pie sitting atop.

"Happy Birthday!" A girl dressed in pink exclaimed.

"Thanks, guys!" The girl in blue said, excited that she was having a birthday party.

"For your special day... We made a Galette des Rois!"

What's that? The blue-haired girl asked.

"There's a coin in this pie. And if you eat the slice with the coin in it...Then you'll be the happiest person!"

"That sounds like fun!"

"Doesn't it?" The girl in pink asked. She left and returned with a knife in her hand, cutting the pie into four equal slices. "Now, pick the slice you want!"

Everyone picked their slice and began eating, hoping to receive the coin.

The blue-haired girl suddenly let out a noise of surprise.

"What is it?" Her friend asked, worried.

"I think I just...swallowed something hard!" She exclaimed, panic tightening her stomach.

"Ahhh! Oh, Carrie, it must've been the coin!"

Carried looked at her friends for help. "What do I do?"

"It's fine, the coin's small!" Her friend assured her, grabbing the plate and knife. "Well, I'll clean this up now.

The girl walked out of the room and the scene changed. She now stood in a hallway with a table next to a door. A woman that resembled the girl worriedly looked around.

"What's wrong, mom?" She asked.

"Have you seen the key to the study?" She asked.

"To the study?" the girl asked, looking around herself. "It's always right here on this table... huh?"

The girl looked at the table, confusion etched onto her face. "It's the coin. The coin that should've..." She trailed off, realizing her mistake. "Could it be that..." She asked herself, looking back to the room she came from.

"Where could it have gone?" Her mother asked, walking away.

"What do I... do..." She asked as she stared at the coin. The sound of something clanking to the ground brought her attention away and saw that the knife had slipped off of the plate.

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