1 - A "Gift" You Say?

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Beep... Beep... Beep...

"Oh, is it that time again?" Leon chucked his phone across the room at his wall.


He didn't sleep very well. The boy couldn't seem to get the past out of his head, especially today of all mornings.

"Why can't I just find one girl that doesn't look at me in that way." Leon said annoyed. ""Gifted" they tell me. If only they really knew what it was like..."

Leon got up and shook his head to snap out of it. "Well, being negative isn't going to fix anything. Let's try a different approach, shall we?"

Leon was very popular at his school. The boy had medium jet black hair, brown eyes, and was 5'11. Girls weren't only infatuated with his looks though. His charming personality, along with his desire to want to help everyone made him number one in most people's eyes.

The sound of a car beeping echoed throughout his house. Leon ran out of his house in excitement and wondering what the new year would bring him.

He called out, "I hear ya, I hear ya Paul! I'm coming."

Paul had a similar build to Leon, but he had short blonde hair and blue eyes.

Paul responded, "There you finally are ya big goof, I've been beeping for a hot minute!"

The two pulled out of the driveway and set off to school, passing buses full of kids on the way. Paul was looking in his rear-view mirror for traffic.

He turned to Leon. "Hey, the summer was a blast man, hot girls and goofing off. It's a shame you and Haley broke up. I didn't see that one coming, but maybe you two could work it out. You never know, ya know?"

Leon replied, "Well, I know you're just looking out for me man, but that girl is something else. Felt like she just cared more about her reputation than being with me. Just couldn't shake that feeling."

Paul looked puzzled. "So, what if she did? She's hot and you're a good-looking dude. Just enjoy your youth man. The last couple of years have been so much fun. If you ask me, I'd say we were blessed."

Leon said, "Blessed huh?

He slowly turned his head and looked out of the car window.

"I wouldn't be so sure..."

The two finally arrived at school. It looked like a battle royale with people trying to find a parking spot. The buses were also dropping off eager and anxious teenagers. After turning the car off, Paul opened the door and looked at Leon with an excited look on his face.

"Shall we?"

"We shall," Leon said in agreement.

The duo threw on their backpacks and began walking into the main entrance together. They saw a bunch of people in groups talking to one another. They also saw the kids by themselves, waiting for their friends while doodling on their phones.

As some people were starting to notice Leon and Paul, the atmosphere was changing. Paul had a premeditated smirk as if he was expecting it while Leon had a look on his face that read, "Here we go again."

Whispers began all around the main entrance.

"Oh my god that's them! They're so hot!"

"Hey Paul! Hey Leon! We should catch up! Hope you had a great summer!"

Paul would call back smiling, "Yeah, sure sounds good! Hope you ladies did too!"

The blonde-haired boy looked like he was really enjoying this. Leon on the other hand, let's just say he had a smile that seemed almost obligatory. It wasn't only the girls that seemed smitten by the two, the fellas were happy to see them as well. These guys were some of their teammates on the basketball team.

A Gift and a CurseWhere stories live. Discover now