Chapter eight

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I sat up in my room, looking out the window. Mum and dad were having a Christmas ball tomorrow. I wasn't exactly looking forward to it since there would be a lot of people there and Regulus won't be there because his parents won't let him.

"Astrid! Come downstairs!" Mum yelled. I sigh and get up. I walk downstairs to see mum holding a long box.

"I got you a dress for tomorrow! Go on, try it on!" Mum exclaimed. I smile a little and nod, taking the box from her.

I opened the box to reveal a dress. The top was halter-top styled with a flowy floor length skirt. The dress was a sparkly golden color. I smile.

"Thanks mum," I say. She smiles.

~time skip to the next day~

"Astrid!" James yelled, barging into my room. I sleepily look up at him from my bed.

"What?" I ask.

"The Christmas ball is in two hours and mum wants your help getting last minute things ready. Get dressed and come down," He said before rushing out of the room.

I groan and get up. I grab the dress mum gave me yesterday and put it on along with some gold flats. I use my metamorphmagus abilities to make my hair look curly. I put some sparkly golden eyeshadow and black mascara on and rush downstairs.

I help mum set out the food and get a few last minute things done.

"Ugh. Astrid, go get your brother. The ball is starting soon and he's still upstairs," Mum spoke. I nod and go up to James' room.

I walk in to see him running his hair through his impossibly messy hair.

"What are you doing? Come on, people will be arriving soon," I say.

"I need to look good, As! Evans is coming!" He says. I roll my eyes.

"You mean that girl that's rejected you a million times? Dang, how'd you get her to come?" I ask.

"Mum got along really well with her parents and invited them," He stated.

"Okay. Well come downstairs. People are going to be arriving soon," I say. As soon as I get my sentence out, a lot of noise comes from downstairs. I run down as James makes one last attempt at making his hair look good.

I walk into the living room to see mum sweeping up soot from in front of the fireplace.

"What happened?" I ask. Just as mum opens her mouth to answer, Sirius walks out of the kitchen.

"Sorry again, Mrs. Potter. I didn't mean to make a mess. I had to escape before my mum got to me," Sirius spoke. He then sees me standing by the fireplace. "Oh, hey Astrid."

"Hey. James is upstairs. Maybe you can convince him to stop messing with his hair and get his arse downstairs," I say.

"Watch your mouth Astrid," Mum said.

"Sorry," I mumble. Sirius walks past me and goes upstairs.

I sit down on the sofa and look at our large Christmas tree, staring at the small white lights and ornaments decorating the tree. There's a star on top too, but stars aren't my favorite decoration. Their too showy. The lights and ornaments are small and shine, complementing the pretty tree.

I hear a knock at the door and get up to open it. People then begin arriving.

~small time skip~

I'm sitting on the counter drinking some sparkling cider. I was growing tired of the crowds. Someone came running into the kitchen, startling me. It was none other than Lily Evans.

"Oh. Hey... uh, Potter's sister, right?" She asked. I nod.

"The one and only. Evans?" I ask. She nods. "You trying to escape my brother?"

"Yup. He won't leave me alone. He's so annoying. And arrogant. And rude. And mean. And arrogant. Sorry, I know he's your brother..." she said. I laugh.

"It's fine. What you said is true. I'm sorry he won't leave you alone. Want some cider?" I ask. She nods and walks over to me.

I pour some sparkling cider and hand it to her.

"Thanks. How come I haven't seen you around Hogwarts much?" She asks.

"Well, I'm a year younger than James, so I'm a second year. Plus I'm a Slytherin..." I say.

"Oh. James isn't mean to you about it is he?" She asks.

"No. Well, not a whole lot anyway. He doesn't bully me like uh... what's his name? Um... S... Snivelus?" I ask. Lily clenches her jaw.

"His name is Severus. He's my friend," She said coldly.

"Oh. Your friends with him? Oh..." I say.

"What's that supposed to mean? 'Oh...'?!?" Lily asked.

"To be honest, I didn't think you'd be friends. You're kind  and outgoing and Severus is... well... introverted, and weird," I say.

"Severus is not weird! He's nice and hardworking! He's not a bad person because he's a Slytherin!" She yells.

"I didn't say that-" I begin.

"You're just like James!" She exclaims. I glare at her.

"I'm nothing like my brother," I say before leaving out the back door in the kitchen.

I walk out in our large yard. I find a large tree and sit under it. I lean my head back against the tree and sit there. I look to the kitchen window and see James looking out the window at me. And what does he do? Turns around and goes back to the party.

I take a deep breath and try to ignore my anger. My hair turns scarlet. I stay outside for the rest of the night until my mum calls me back inside.

The crowd is gone. No one questions why I was outside or if I was okay. Mum just sent James and I up to bed. No one even noticed or questioned my red hair.

I go upstairs. I grab a glass vase in my room and smash it on the floor.

"Careful Astrid! Stop breaking things!" Mum yells up.

I flop on my bed. I have so much frustration and I don't know what to do with it. I pound my fist against my pillow, trying to get my frustration out. My hair is now a bright, fiery red.

I end up going to bed crying and full of anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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