Chapter three

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Remus pov

I grabbed my journal and sat in the windowcil. I opened the journal and saw a poem. Looked on the front of the book and saw it didn't have any name written in it. I turned to the back and saw Astrid etched in the back cover. I had grabbed Astrid's journal by mistake. Curiosity got the best of me and I read the poem:

God save the prom queen
Teenage daydream
Just another dressed up heartbreak
God save the prom queen
Only 11
Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown
Take a look at the future
Who knows what's ahead?
the years go by and she still dreams
God save the prom queen
Teenage daydream
Just another dressed up heartbreak
God save the prom queen
Only 11
Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown
Diamonds in her crown
And she lives her dreams through the magazines
And her family's gone and she needs someone
But she'll trade it all for a heart that's whole
God save the prom queen
God save the prom queen
God save the prom queen
Teenage day dream
God save the prom queen (she turned her tears)
She turned her tears to diamonds in her crown

(A/n: lyrics are from the song, God save the prom queen! Ok back to the story!)

I reread the poem. I suddenly felt really bad. If this was how she felt before the sorting, I couldn't even imagine how she felt now.

"Hey look, Moony's got his little diary out!" Sirius said to James and Peter. I rolled my eyes and closed the journal. Something told me Astrid didn't want James to see this. Sirius and James smirked and walked over.

"Let's take a look then, shall we, Pads?" James said arrogantly. I shook my head.

"No. It's not mine. I accidentally grabbed someone else's on the train," I said. They looked at me, confused.

"But the only one in our compartment other than us was-" Sirius started. A look of realization came over both James and Sirius' faces. James snatched the journal from my hands before I could stop him. He turned the book over and saw Astrid's name on the back.

"It is Astrid's..." James said. He opened it.

"Wait. She probably doesn't want you reading that," I said, moving forward. I reached out to grab it from him. He pulled it out of my reach.

"All she does is write poems and songs in here. It'll be fine," He spoke. He opened it to the poem I just read. He and Sirius read it. Their faces drop a little as they read. "Oh..." he said.

"She wrote this?" Sirius asked. I nod.

"Well, it was in her journal, so I assume she wrote it," I replied.

"I-I didn't know she felt like that..." James spoke. I nod.

"And... if she wrote this before the sorting... I can't even imagine how she feels now..." Sirius spoke softly. I nod.

"That's what I was thinking."

Astrid pov

I sat in horror, Remus's journal in my lap. He had my poetry/song journal. My thoughts and feelings were available for him to read. He's friends with James, which means James has access to those thoughts and feeling. I started breathing rapidly. I laid down on my bed, falling into a restless sleep. I grab the journal the next morning and walk down to professor McGonnagal's office. I knock on the door.

"Come in," She says. I open the door and walk in. "Ah, miss Potter. What can I do for you?" She asks. I walk up to her and hand her Remus's journal.

"Can you give this to Remus when he comes to class? I accidentally grabbed his instead of mine," I say. She nods. I smile and say thanks before walking down to the great hall.

I didn't want to hand it to Remus in person because I didn't think I could face him and his group of friends, knowing they've most likely read my entire journal. I sit near the end of the Slytherin table. I quickly eat my breakfast and grab my schedule before going to my first class. I managed to avoid James and his group of friends.

I went down to potions class and sat down. Soon after me, the boy I spoke to on the boats and after getting sorted sat next to me.

"Hi Regulus," I say and smile.

"Hi. H-" he began. He was cut off by Slughorn starting class.

I walked with Regulus to the great hall for dinner. We had become pretty good friends. We had all our classes together, and we didn't really have any other friends, so we got to talk to each other a lot. We sat down at the Slytherin table. As I reached to put food onto my plate, I felt something hit the back of my head. My hair turned slightly red. I turned around and saw James. My hair went to an orange and green ombre. (A/n: orange is confused and green is scared for those who forgot)

"What?" I whispered. He handed me my journal. "Oh. Thank you." I grab my journal and go to turn around.

"Wait. We saw your most recent poem-" He started. My heart froze. I turned completely around and pretended not to hear him. I didn't really want to discuss that poem. It was one of my most personal ones. I didn't like the idea that he read it.

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