Chapter one

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~first year~

I walked with my parents and older brother onto platform 9 3/4. I would be entering my first year at Hogwarts this year! I'm excited but also quite nervous. My brother, James was only in his second year and had already built up quite a reputation. Not necessarily a good one, though. James found one of his friends and ran off, quickly saying goodbye to our parents and me. I looked up at my parents before boarding the train.

"Goodbye. Have a good time at Hogwarts," mamma said sweetly. I smiled up at her.

"Yeah. Tell us how you like Gryffindor!" Dad said enthusiastically. I smiled. I come from a family of Gryffindors and dad and James talked nonstop about Gryffindor and how I'd love it.

"Or any of the houses. We're proud of you no matter what," mamma added, glaring at Dad slightly.

"Unless you're in Slytherin," Dad mumbled. I chuckled and said my goodbyes to them before boarding the train.

I walked down the hallways, looking for an empty compartment.

"Hey, Astrid!" Someone yelled from inside a compartment. I looked inside the compartment the voice came from and saw James sitting there with his friends. I didn't really want to join them, but I did anyway as to not seem rude. I sat in a corner closest to the door and smiled. Next to James sat Peter Pettigrew. He wasn't too bad, but also wasn't the best, either. On the same side I sat, but on the other end, was Remus Lupin. He was by far the nicest of James' little group. I turned my head as I heard noise.

"No! Regulus just go find your own friends! Bye!" Someone said before entering the compartment. It was Sirius Black, James' closest friend. He sat down between me and Remus. "You're James' sister, right?"

"Yeah. My names Astrid," I replied. I was fairly certain he had been told my name before. I sighed. I immediately wished I was in the window seat.

"Right. You excited to be in Gryffindor?" Sirius asked.

"If I get into Gryffindor. You know that's not the only house, right?" I say. Sirius and James start laughing a bit. Peter also laughs, though I can tell he doesn't know why their laughing and is just doing it because the other two are. Remus just sighs and looks at me apologetically.

"As, You're a Potter! You're gonna be put in Gryffindor," James stated once he was done laughing. I nod. I stay silent the rest of the train ride there, barely listening as James and his friends talk. I switch seats with Sirius, so I'm now between him and Remus. I write a song/poem in my journal. What I don't notice, is Remus also writing in a journal very similar to mine. The only difference is mine has my first name engraved on the back. The train stops and I set down my journal long enough to grab my luggage so I can put my journal in my suitcase. Remus does the same. I grab what I think is my journal and put it in my suitcase. I exit the train and go with the rest of the first years. I get in an empty boat. A boy with messy black hair and pale skin gets in the boat with me. I smile.

"Hi. I'm Astrid," I say to the boy. We're the only ones in our boat as it starts moving forward.

"I'm Regulus," The boy says. That name sounds familiar.

"Are you the boy Sirius was talking to on the train?" I ask. He lowers his head.

"Yeah. He's my brother. We've never got along since he got sorted into Gryffindor. I never really cared, but our parents did, and I guess it made us grow apart," He said.

"Oh. I'm sorry," I reply. He looks back up at me.

"It's fine. How did you know Sirius was talking to me on the train? Did you see him talking to me?" He asked.

"No. I heard him outside the compartment I was in before he entered the compartment. He's friends with my brother," I replied.

"Oh." He said. We were silent the rest of the boat ride. We entered Hogwarts. Professor McGonagal spoke to us before entering the great hall. A lot of first years looked around in awe, but I looked down, trying to act invisible. We reached the front and the sorting ceremony began. My heart raced. I was so scared I wouldn't be put in Gryffindor. My whole family would be extremely disappointed in me. I listened as kids were getting sorted. The only name I recognized was Regulus. He got sorted into Slytherin. His expression was unreadable as he walked to the Slytherin table.

"Astrid Potter," Professor McGonagal said. I took a deep breath and walked up. I sat on the stool as the sorting hat was placed on my head.

"Hm..." The hat spoke into my head. I listened as it spoke in my head. "Let's see.... A great deal of pressure to be in Gryffindor I see... but is that where you belong?" His words made me nervous. "Hm... smart, cunning, loyal, brave, ambitious... very difficult indeed..." I waited impatiently.

"Better be... SLYTHERIN!"

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