Chapter five

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I get on the Hogwarts express after saying goodbye to my parents. I find an empty compartment and sit down. I look out the window to see my parents talking with James and Sirius. I clench my jaw as I see my father go and hug him. Both of them. When I left, he patted me on the back, said "tell me when you make the quidditch team" and went to look for James. Sirius wasn't even his son and he gave him more love and attention than me.

I look away from the window and pull out my sketchbook. As I start sketching, I hear the compartment door open and then close.

"Hi, Regulus," I greet. I don't have to look up from my sketchbook to know who entered the compartment. Regulus was my only friend at Hogwarts. Other than Remus, I guess, but he was always with James, Sirius and Peter. I wasn't even friends with the other girls in my dorm. They were good friends and it was like I wasn't even there.

"Hey! What are you drawing?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"Dunno yet. I just started it," I respond. When I sketch, I just start drawing and see what it becomes. I don't plan out what it's going to be before starting it. He nods.

"Cool. So, you gonna try out for Quidditch this year?" He asked.

"I wasn't planning on it, since that was James' thing, but my dad already talks like I'm going to make it on the team, so I kinda have to try out now. Are you?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm going to go for seeker. You shouldn't try out if you don't want to," Regulus said. I sigh.

"I do, though. Maybe he would think more highly of me if I get on the team," I say.

"You shouldn't need to seek your fathers approval for everything," Regulus spoke.

I sigh and continue drawing.

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