A lump formed in my throat as I waited for Al's reaction. She turned to me but I still couldn't look into her eyes. "Don't feel guilty about a brilliant idea. Our encounter was indeed an excellent movie plot. I mean, I would definitely pay to watch it onscreen. Just add some minute details like at the age of sixteen when the girl first saw the hero onscreen in his debut film, she was awestruck. With his every film, every social appearance, her admiration grew manifold. He was the one she imagined while fucking herself. He gave her orgasms just by his onscreen winks and chuckles. Her paintbrushes automatically painted him in all her paintings."

My eyes were filled with tears and Al lifted my chin to make me look into her eyes. "Lastly, don't forget to add, she loved the hero like a typical fangirl, but when she met him in person her love for him became unfathomable, inexplicable and indescribable." Al pecked my lips and tears rolled down my cheeks.
She sat in the boat while I just watched her go and disappear in the deep blue ocean.

I broke down and cried my heart out. She loved me so much and all I did was ask her for sexual favours. She gave me her heart but I broke it into a million pieces.

"Kenny she has gone. Now stop crying over a situation that wasn't your fault." Tia suggested but anger build inside me. I ordered Mike to take the other boat out. My eyes were spitting fire and anyone who dared to disobey me would face my wrath.

"Kenny this is a rowboat and you can't possibly catch her with this. I will arrange for another speed boat. Relax! She is a trickster and has played with people's emotions all her life." I looked at Genna and she sealed her lips instantly. I didn't want to hear a word against Al. I played with her feelings. Knowingly and unknowingly.

Tia started to cry and demanded explanations from me. She listed our happy moments and how perfect we were with each other. "I don't like perfection, got it?" I shouted and the message echoed loud and clear.

"Kenny, all this is just transitory. She has filled you with guilt and maybe you were wrong too? Just sleep over it by the time the boat comes. I can't see you like this." Tia kept saying things to me and Genna tried to sympathise with her. I knew they won't arrange for a new speed boat. The world was against Al and me uniting. We were against each other too. We held the rope of love from opposite ends.

Love? I love her? I didn't even know since when but I kept pushing away the feeling or mixing it with physical attraction. Oh! What a fool I was.

I dialled a number and a speed boat was at the island in less than thirty minutes. I packed my bag not bothering to take all my belongings and sat on the boat. Tia hurried her way and I was counting the minutes left to reach to Al and tell her, I was so sorry but most importantly tell her that every fibre of my being, loved her, immensely.

Tia and I were both famous but Sugar Coast was an ignorant town. They ignored a bombshell like Al. Fuck! My heart was beating so fast. Tia called up mine and her parents and briefed them about the situation. I cared less. My only aim was to reach to Al. I didn't know her home address but her office address was available on google and I reached there. It was locked. So, I asked neighbours if they knew where she lived.
None did.
I reached the police station and that officer Lucus was there. He made us sit inside a private room while Tia kept crying. I had to end the drama. "Tia, I don't wish to end the break we were on. I won't be able to keep you happy so it's better we call it quit."

Tia looked heartbroken and I realised, I was such a fuckboy. I broke two hearts. I tried to apologise to her but she wasn't ready to listen.

Lucus took the perfect revenge from me for leaving him unannounced at the villa. He questioned me, made me sign several unimportant documents before giving me Al's address. I told Lucus to escort Tia to the villa while I headed to Al's home. I was tapping my foot continuously sitting in the police car that took me to Al's home. I was nervous, anxious and feeling liberated at the same time.

All my excitement died when a neighbour told me, she left an hour before. He gave me an envelope and I opened it with shivering hands. There was a key of her home inside. I unlocked the door and the house smelt of her. I felt like she was hugging me tightly in her arms. I checked all the rooms to see if she was anywhere. She was not but I was. Her marvellous paintings pictured a boy who she said was me and damn right, it was me. Dark like the silhouette she painted.

I sat on the sofa and the police officer with me tried to figure out what I saw in the paintings that shattered me. I never checked my Insta DM's but I did today in a hope that maybe Al left me a message. It was filled with questions post live and I didn't know the issue would create such a ruckus. She was right again, I made her life a circus.

"Mr Kellar, there is a letter in your name." The officer gave me a letter kept under a cup with my photo.

Listen to me,
My Pristine Love,
Always live in love
For the innocence of your smile
The purity of your soul
The honesty of your words
The little and everything about you
Colours my sky bronze and yellow

I know you are a great person and would not do anything to hurt anyone, knowingly. I have no complaints from you. The movie idea was actually good and it helped me confess what I felt for you. How many fans would get a chance to express their love to their favourite star? It was my lucky day.
Whatever happened between us was too good to be true.
The Kenneth Kellar, found me beautiful, found me worthy of his trust and his love. Yeah! If you are reading this letter, I think you have fallen for me too, I hope so. Else you would not have come here.
So, celebrate us, Kenny. Do more movies and entertain the world. I have been tagged with several things bad and I don't want to be called, the one who was the reason for the downfall of Kenneth Kellar.
Kenny, you were the one I loved the most but now, I want to love myself too. Not that I haven't been doing that already 😉. I always visualised you doing things to me that would pleasure my body and soul. I will still do that but now, I would actually know how you would do it. No condoms, no regrets.
I love you, Kenny,
Beyond the definition of love
Keep shining, my star.

From- Al, the weirdo.

Dear Readers
How many of you picked up hints on Kenny doing something fishy? Did anyone guess he could make a movie on Albeli and his encounter?
Albeli confessed her love and left. Will she come back or be gone forever?

Find out!
Stay hooked!

Lots of love!

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