Mr trouble maker

19 4 5

He kissed me so fervently that the
ripples that danced in my body
were non-native.

I inhaled deeply when the vigour that restricted my breathing paused.
What the hell just happened? Kenneth Kellar, the man of my dreams, was in front of me? Scratch that. Kissing me? I rewind a few minutes of my life and fuck! It was too good to be true. I shut my eyes tightly and opened them but he was still in front of my eyes bending down to... kiss me, again?
Sorry, God, I doubted you earlier.

"Stop kissing me, Kenny. Fuck me." Every fibre in my body was shouting. There was no noise outside but my heart was hammering inside. I was bursting like fire crackers.

"You mind kissing me back?"

Who was that talking? Idiot.

"Hello, Cooper Guards, aren't you paid well."

"We had no contracts to get paid." I was speaking but on mute. I couldn't find my voice until my slightly swollen lips were bitten.  "Aaooo!" There was my voice and consciousness.

I was stupid, idiot, moron. I bent from under the incarnation of Eros and calmed myself. "Wha- what d- did you just do?"

"First base?"

The Kenneth Kellar replied. I heard his voice, first hand. Raspy and rich just like him. Standing tall and eyeing me head to toe with those grey coloured dilated pupils was the man who every girl dreamt of. I was every girl.

Oh! Fuck the goosebumps! I came out of my La La Land.

"First base?" I questioned. Did he mean... Oh! He wanted to have sex with me? What did I do? I didn't even remember the last time I prayed. All I remembered was fucking myself to sleep.

"Aren't you here for that? Now I am too tired after a twenty-hour long flight. I don't want to waste time talking. Come on, get undressed." Kenny ordered me, filling himself a glass of wine from the mini bar in his room.

"One second. What do you think I am here for?" I fisted my palms and prepared to hear what I didn't want to hear.

Kenny looked at me in amusement and came near me. He scanned me before saying, "Don't be such a killjoy, girl. Just open your clothes and lie down while I finish my drink."

I loved him? I loved him! I loved him, yes. But he was hitting my pride. I wasn't a... a... I don't want to say the word. I respect the ladies who sell their souls to meet their needs. Even if they did that out of choice it was their life and none should judge them.

"Sir, I am your security guard. I am here to protect you, not warm your bed."
I couldn't believe I dared to speak harshly to the man I admired so much. I walked past him only to be pulled back.

"Stop being a tease now. Is money the problem? I'll give you more. I am done role-playing. Hurry up before I get pissed off and send you empty-handed." I dared to look into those cold grey eyes that said the unsaid, onscreen.

I released my hand from his grip and explained to him, "Sir, I am a security guard from Cooper Guards, a private security agency in Sugar Coast. I am not here for "other things". It's strictly professional and in future, please be careful." In that moment, I realised, I could win over my desires.

"You kissed me, girl." He retorted.
Did I? I was just standing.

"That was so sudden I didn't even realise. Besides, I doubt you know what a real kiss is, if what just happened, you term, as a "kiss". Get your concepts clear." My heart was about to come out of my body because it was beating so fast.

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