Mr Implusive

17 4 0

He was like a naked wire, if touched without precautions, current will surely pass through.

Did all clients behave like that? I mean, I have never heard, any of my employees complaining their client ran away. Mine did.
Oh! Fuck!
I tracked the car on my phone and thanked technology. He was driving at speed but where was he going? I locked the villa and came out to look for a taxi. It was such a deserted road that I felt scared. The car had stopped at a pub I had no idea, existed. I booked an Uber which arrived in ten minutes. I regretted not asking Kenny his phone number. As if, he would share it with me. I would spam it with fan messages.

I sat in the Uber and gave the address of the pub to the driver. The driver looked at me suspiciously but I told him I was going to pick a friend. He drove me there and offered help if I needed it. He was so kind and handsome.
I should focus on the problem and not the Uber driver. The pub looked shady but I spotted my car and sighed in relief. I walked inside and instantly felt giddy. There was so much smoke that I was coughing. I cleared my eyes to see properly but I was being eyed as if I was the last leg piece of tandoori chicken left on the platter. I adjusted my cap and tried to look for Kenny. I was trying to keep my search mission low to avoid grabbing attention when I heard people laughing loudly and that caught my attention.

Kenny's co-actors said he had a great sense of humour so I went near the group and there he was wearing a black hoodie with ripped denim. The people were so drunk that they couldn't recognise they were sitting with an A-listed Hollywood actor. I gathered courage and went close to him.

"Sir, we need to go," I told him politely but he ignored me so, I repeated in a not so requesting tone. He was drunk. I wanted to leave the place ASAP. I was feeling scared with the piercing eyes of the drunkards. "Please Sir, let's go."

"First sing a song for me then maybe I could come with you."

Holy Fuck!

The men on the table laughed at me and I gritted my teeth. I warned Kenny to come but he was playing tough. God be with him.
"Mr Kellar, this is my last and final warning to you. If you don't come at once, I will..."

"You will what? Kiss me?" His remark made the filthy men he was sitting with, feel lustier.

Too bad. I skillfully hit Kenny on his neck making him lose consciousness in an instant. Well, I just don't own a security company, I know a few techniques too. I dragged Kenny out after covering his face with his hoodie. I was scared but putting his arm across my shoulder made me feel secure. In my universe, he held me safely in his arms with love but in a sober state.

I dumped him on the back seat and breathed out. I quickly drove the car out of the area and turned on music to divert my attention. The fresh ocean breeze calmed my nerves and I glanced at the sleeping figure in my car. I parked the car in the villa and secured the car keys in my pockets. To drag Kenny out was a tough task. I couldn't carry him all the way upstairs so, I made him lie on the sofa. He will have a sore back the next day. Good. Serves him right.

I came to my room and without changing my clothes, I slipped into the bed because I was so drained out.

I knew Kenny would have a hangover in the morning so after finishing my routine exercises and changing in my duty dress, I arranged for aspirin and made lemonade for him. The caretakers of the villa came for cleaning and even with the vacuum cleaner making so much noise, Kenny was snoring. The caretakers, Mr and Mrs Gellar prepared breakfast which was included in the cost of the villa and I requested them to prepare lunch. They did after asking for an additional cost to which I agreed. Kenny was floating in money and it won't affect his pocket. The couple left and I thought to wake up the sleeping beauty.

Fancying My FanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz