"Any time," he grinned, sending me a wink before he walked away, and I found my gaze remained on him for a little longer than usual.


Thankfully, lunch had rolled around quickly, and I was soon sitting in the cafeteria, pushing the food around on my plate as my friends talked around me.

We were early, so for now it was just me, Adrian, Zach, Cameron and Gabriel. Adam, and his friends yet to make an appearance.


I looked up with I heard Adrian call my name, to find all eyes on me.

"Yes?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"Are you sure you're okay, man?" He asked, everybody looked at me in concern, and I couldn't help but sigh quietly.

"I am okay, just a little distracted, I am sorry to worry you all." I forced a smile.

Adrian grinned and I instantly wanted to leave, I knew my friend too well, that face, he was about the bring up my keeper.

"You know what an awesome distraction would be?" He smirked.

Here we go, I rolled my eyes, but said nothing and stuck a fry in my mouth.

"You could take your guard down for five minutes max, who knows, it might be the best decision you ever make," he grinned as Zach shook his head.

"Or it could be the worst," I counteracted.

He kept talking about my guard, it worked as a shield, it hid my aura and in doing so it made it practically impossible for our enemies to find us.

I was the king, it made my aura strong, but when on Earth it put other's at risk, and I was not risking the lives of my people, and the innocent humans at this school for such a selfish reason, no matter how badly I wanted to find my keeper.

Plus, I'd done it once earlier this year anyway, and the whole time I was on edge just to get nothing out of it.

I took a sip of my drink, trying not to think about the fact that it was possible I didn't have one.

"Maybe it's one of the new guys," Adrian grinned, his eyes looking behind me.

I choked on my drink, Gabriel slapping his hand against my back, as he glared at Adrian who keeled over laughing.

I finally stopped choking as said guys joined us at the table, watching us in amusement.

"Thank you, Gabe." I cleared my throat, trying not to glare at Adrian who continued laughing.

"What are you talking about?" One of the guys asked as they all sat down around us.

"Yeah, why are you trying to kill Kaden?" Adam joked, but I could see the concern in his eyes as they raked over my face.

It was weird to have someone you barely know show concern for you, but I ignored it, chalking it up to him just being a nice person.

"I was just teasing him," Adrian chuckled before greeting everyone, and friendly chatter filled the table once again.

I watched everyone as they engaged in casual conversation, happy to just be in the moment, enjoying the time they had with their friends, and I envied them, why couldn't I do that?

Why couldn't I just let loose and enjoy myself for a bit? Engage is meaningless conversation, laughing and joking with my friends? Why couldn't I just relax?

It took me a while to realise Adam was staring at me, I locked eyes with him, raising an eyebrow in question, but he just smiled and looked away.

That was another thing, these new guys, it was like they knew something we didn't, I don't usually bother myself with strangers, especially humans, but there was something about them that I just couldn't place my finger on.

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