Chapter 12: Meeting Charles Lee

Start from the beginning

The dress I chose to wear was simple in design. It was a medium green and relatively lightweight. I changed my gloves for a pair of lady-dress ones. I also kept my Hidden Blades. They hid nicely under my sleeves.

I undid my braid and brushed through my hair. Then using several hairpins, I forced it into an updo that most certainly would never wear. That is unless I was going as Lady Olivia.

I chose to still wear my boots instead of dress shoes. I might would have to cross half of New York to find out where they had taken him.

I need to act like mom, I thought, grabbing the jewelry I had gotten for privateering, and stuffing it in a non-descript brown satchel. I need to pass as a housewife.


I left the ship and collected James from the docks. Apparently seeing me in a dress came as a shock to him, it made his jaw drop.

"We're going to the main office. I need to speak with Tallmadge."

"As in the Benjamin Tallmadge?!" James balked.

"Yes," I said handing him the satchel to carry. "And if we're lucky I can convince Washington to help Connor."

"What's this?" James asked, crossing the strap over him.



When we got to the Headquarters, Commander Washington was speaking with Benjamin Tallmadge in his office. After declaring who I was, James and I were let in.

"Don't be copying anything down. This never happened. Understand?" I hissed, as Washington's secretary opened one of the double doors for us.

James nodded.

"Commander Washington, Benjamin Tallmadge, a word if you please?" I asked, giving a curtsy.

"Of course Mrs. Kenway," Benjamin said. "Commander, I would like you to meet Mrs. Nicolette Kenway. She does work like her husband Connor. You met him at a Continental Congress meeting."

I smiled and shook hands with Washington.

"I remember him. He wore a white robe and was the only man there that looked me in the eye. How is he?"

"That's what I came to speak with you about," I said, hastily tacking on "Sir."

"Connor and I are in New York investigating a Counterfitting Ring, on orders from Benjamin Tallmadge."

"She is correct sir. I did send them. Did you and Connor have any luck?"

"Yes, sir we did. Connor found the ring leader and -"

"COMMANDER WASHINGTON I MUST SPEAK WITH YOU AT ONCE!" Both the doors flew open, one of the doors slamming into James, sending him face-first into Washington's desk!

"Agh!" James exclaimed, falling back on the floor, holding his face in his hands.

The doors slammed shut behind the newcomer.

I didn't need Connor to tell me who this guy was. I knew enough about him from Achilles.

The man was Charles Lee. He was a veteran of the French and Indian War and is a current General in the Continental Army. He's also Haytham Kenway's second-in-command.

I also knew that this man is responsible for attacking Connor when he was a child, and burning his village.

The man had only said one sentence, and I already felt the need to end him.

"What the blazes is it Lee?" Benjamin asked, trying to keep his voice even.

"Commander, our spy network uncovered a plot to assassinate you," Lee said to Washington. "And a suspect has been arrested."

"Do we have the name of the suspect?" Benjamin asked.

"Connor Kenway."

"I'm afraid you've mistaken Lee," Washington said. "Just before you came in, Benjamin was explaining about the exact same plot. But, he mentioned a Thomas Hickey was responsible, and he had been arrested."

I choked back a snicker.

"And what may I ask is so funny?" Lee snapped, his face starting to redden.

"Commander, it looks as if Lee's intelligence network isn't that intelligent," I said with a grin.

This got a laugh from Benjamin and Washington.

James groaned from his place on the floor.

"And what is your name?" Lee asked, turning to face me.

"Why should I give it to you?"

"So you can be banned from further meetings. A woman has no place in this sort of thing."

I stood up straight and held my shoulders back. I looked him dead in the eyes and said, "My name is Nicolette LaBelle Kenway. And you would do well to remember it."

"LaBelle Kenway?" He asked, his eyes taking on a malicious gleam. "You're related to that -"

I knew the word he was going to say, I saw the look in his eyes. He knew Connor and I were together.

All was quiet, but I saw his lips moving in slow motion as he said the word, that I do not wish to repeat.


My hand was stinging now, and Charles was holding his face in shock.

Washington and Benjamin were in shock too.

"Call my husband that again, and I will put you under the Hudson myself. Do I make myself clear?" I said, loud enough for everyone to hear it.

Lee lowered his hand, and a scarlet trickle of blood was dripping from his nose.

Bastard should be glad I didn't cut him with my Hidden Blade. But then again, if I had done that, I'd have aimed lower.

"Crystal." He growled.


Lee left the room to go get his nose patched up.

"Mrs. Kenway, I am going to let your outburst slide on the grounds that your husband was arrested today. But, if another outburst like that was to happen, I'm afraid you'd be court-martialed. " Washington explained.

"I understand sir. It won't happen again." I said.

"That's all good and all. But can someone help me up?!" James snapped.

Benjamin came around and helped him sit up.

When he lowered his hands, the desk had split both of his lips. Thankfully it didn't bust his nose or the rest of him.

"I'll get him to a doctor. It would be best to avoid Medical with Lee down there." I said, looking James over. It wasn't a clean split, it was more of a gash.

I pulled out my handkerchief and passed it to James, to catch the blood.

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I'm ending the chapter here because this is not just an episode unless it's like a parts 1, 2, 3, etc. Story arch.

I had Nicolette go temporarily deaf because I DO NOT like writing racist words, even though it fits Charles Lee's character sheet from the game.

It helps establish more animosity between him and Nicolette other than just Templar and Assassin.

That being said, I am glad that Nicolette got a chance to slap Charles Lee for his comment.

And btw, I had the fic marked as mature for period typical racism.

'Til Next Time!


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