~Chapter 8 : Duel For The Worst~

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~The pirates made it out of the cave, escaping to the bright light of the sun, the sky was already setting, the time was still limit to the power of the gluttony Crystal, Lukas and the others were overjoyed to make it out alive, the pirates cheered and celebrated, Lukas just stands there, watching to sky, and then to the crystal, smirked.

Benno : Woohoo! We made it out!

Lolly : We got the crystal! And it's ours!

Mizuko : Yeah! Once we get each of the shards of that crystal, we'll be unstoppable!

All of them discuss about their plans for the crystal, and brag about how they're now going to be superior and have each the power of the unthinkable, but Lukas on the other hand, thinks other side of that idea. He looks back, and then chuckles.

Lukas : Well..It sure will be the beginning of our powerful being, taking so many treasures, fighting the innocent, and travel through the seven seas! Yes, it will be all a miracle!

The pirates looked at him, and they proceeded to lend out their hands, signaling their awards for all their hard work, Lukas looks at them, he sees them eager for the power, he stands there, and then lets out a smirk, stuffing the crystal back in, the pirates were confused.

Spike : Uhh..Captain? The crystal? Are you gonna break it and give the pieces to all of us?

Lukas looks at them, and he begins to laugh, leaving the pirates still puzzled to his reaction.

Benno : What's so funny captain?..

Lukas : Did you really think I was gonna let you have the power of this crystal? Hah! Over my dead body any of you will have it!

Before anyone could say, Lukas suddenly ran off to the ship quickly, he leaps onto the rope, climbing up to the ship, and then grabs the rope, leaving the others hanging, they couldn't get in the ship.

Ruth : Captain! What are you doing?

Lukas activates the sails, and steers his wheel, saves the crystal inside his bag.

Lukas: I'm traveling away of course, and leaving you all here, since I don't need you anymore.

Lolly : Wait What! You can't do that! We're a team! You promise we will all have the greater power of that bloody crystal!

Lukas : Yes, but that was before I got my hands on the crystal, to tell you all the truth, I've been trying to get rid of you all so many times, but, the only reason why I didn't, it's only because you help me get the many precious treasure I wanted, and you service me so well, I've been using you as long as I could remember, and you honestly think we're a team? Give me a break, every captain uses their henchmen for only collecting and servicing, all are greedy and wanted to be bigger.

The pirates were modified, they couldn't believe what they're all hearing, seeing that Lukas is abandoning them in this deadly island, and he'll get away for no remorse.

Benno : H-How could you!

Lukas : What do you all expect? A cookie? Heh! Now, I must be on my way, enjoy yourselves being dinner for all the fishes in the sea!~

He laughs and steers the wheel to exit away from the siren caves, but then, the loud burst of stones alarmed the pirates, looking back to see something coming out of the crumbled stone walls was Licorice, and also Candy with the others. Candy looks to see Lukas trying to leave.

Candy : There! He's getting away!

They all tried to run, but the pirates quickly blocked their path, all with their weapons, Candy looks at them, she quickly came up with a plan, she looks at the Imps.

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