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yeojin woke up from her bed with her eyes fluttered open. she turned her body to her right for comfort. her eyes widen.

'heeseung? why is he here? didn't he have school?rn?' she panicked.

heeseung were sitting on a chair with his head resting beside her on her bed. 'sht what do I do' she took the blanket and cover her eyes, as she peeked through them again, watching heeseung who's currently deep in in sleep. 'theres nothing to hide from,' she suddenly thought as she got up and sat down carefully to not wake him up.

she went closer as she took a closer look at him, the light from the window are currently shinning on him as he sleeps on his arms. yeojin found herself admiring heeseung as she back off a little, his hair were covering his eyes.

heeseung suddenly moves a little as yeojin flinched, he seems to be in umcomfort. yeojin thought that it might be his bangs thats poking his eye as she carefully bent toward, wanting to brush away them from his eyes. as her fingers went nearer to his face, she touched his bangs and moves them aside.

yeojin was too focused with his hair to notice heeseung on the other side had already woke up. you moves her hand to his head and patted in gently. 'soft' she thought as her eyes moves back to his face.

their eyes met. yeojin was too flustered as she froze. did he caught her? was she weird? was she crazy? those questions went all around her mind.

"goodmorning…" heeseung greeted her as he slightly smiled, with a raspy morning voice.

"good…morning…" she awkwardly said as she take back her hand immediately. 'more like bad morning'

"there was a bug on your head so…" she lied, heeseung just chuckled. "really" he sat up as he stretches his body. "y-yeah" heeseung just finds it cute.

"dont you…have school right now? and exams!" she asks him in shock

"I actually did the speaking and listening test yesterday, the teacher saw me waiting for you and since I had nothing to do, so i just did it in advance."

"so…you don't need to go to school today?" he laughed shaking his head "nope"

"so what are you plans? for today" "staying here with you I guess, I have to take care of a baby" he mimicked her "I'm not" she sulked

he stood up and just patted her head, "borrow me your bathroom, I'm going to brush my teeth" he said as he tuned to walk away but was pulled by something. yeojin had her arms wrapped around his leg. "me too" heeseung sighed as he thinks of a way not to carry her in the toilet. "wait for me" he said as he leaves the room. "huhh" yeojin just blankly sat on her bed.

heeseung ran to the lift as he went to the ground floor where the counter is. "hello, may I get a wheelchair?" "oh follow me" the nurses said as she leads him to take one. as they walked through the halls a familiar women passes by him. he turned to look, leaving him flabbergasted. 'sieun…? what is she doing here' he thought as he just ignores and continue walking.

on the other side, there was yeojin on her bed scrolling her through her phone. suddenly a knock came and a boy opened the door. the both stared at each other. "anything…?" she asks.

he widend his eyes as he looked at the door number and looked back at his paper. "oh I'm sorry wrong room." he bowed as he left. "w-wait" she stopped him as he opens back the door.

"uhm are you currently in a rush?" "oh no, my grandmother is in the sugery room right now so I'm just waiting" "oh, come here and sit then" she couldn't hold back her enfp self after getting locked in the hospital. the boy smiled as he went to sit beside her.

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