Chapter 44. Charm or Curse

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Back home with Gran, things were hotting up considerably.

She made us tea and toast. Ambar and I sat on the sofa under a blanket and together we couldn't stop talking. It was too much, way too intense. We both kept checking our phones for updates.

"Hey babes" said Ambar. "You're not gonna believe this." I looked up.

"I've just checked the stats. Fossil Fools' has got 400,000 hits. It's going ballistic!

There are thousands of comments. Streams and streams of them. Have a look....

WTF Bone Boy! What's happenin?"

I shrugged and attempted a smile, feeling sick in the bottom of my stomach, all nauseous. I didn't have any head space left. My heart was racing.

I slowed my breath to calm my system down. I threw the blanket off and rushed out the front door. Yes, fresh air. I lent on my knees and caught my breath, wandering if I should chunder into the spinach patch, or the path.

"Are you Ok Jasper, do you need anything?" Gran called over.

"Just need some space Gran, thanks."

As I stared through between my legs, I took in the view. Spring was doing its thing. Delicate green shoots poking through the rich soil. A huge fat worm wriggled its way across the brick path in front of me. I knelt down and picked it up. Wet, slimy, moist, muscular and strong. It writhed in my palm.

I remembered a really bad joke from when I was five or so. 'What do you call it when worms take over the world? Global Worming!' Ha ha, strangely appropriate. I placed it gently back on the earth and it sped off.

The fruit trees were full of blossom. They smelt so good. I breathed in the fresh air, and it felt so good. Nature was happily getting on and doing its thing. Didn't seem to worry about the troubles of their Sapien cousins.

Even though the shadows were already getting long, I felt a calling and made my way down to the beach.

The tide was out and the gentle waves lapped over the rocky water edge. There I knelt by a deep rock pool where a glint had caught my eye. The reflection of sunlight on the surface obscured my view. I rummaged around and pulled up a beauty. It was a small fool's gold ammonite that had sparkled in the water.

Wow, a lucky charm!

I gazed at it, feeling the metallic weight of it in my wet hand. I turned it this way and that, scrutinizing it. A beauty, like freshly unearthed Saxon treasure from Sutton Hoo.

They form when fools gold, iron pyrite, leaches inside the cavity left by an ammonite shell

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They form when fools gold, iron pyrite, leaches inside the cavity left by an ammonite shell.

Quite rare. I played with it between my thumb and forefinger feeling its delicate cool metallic ridges and spiral.

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